Saturday, April 16, 2022

4-16-2022 Devotion: Transcendence

 Leviticus 11:45: "For I am the Lord that bringeth you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: ye shall therefore be holy, for I am holy." Holy has different meanings. Popularly, holy means moral purity and righteousness. While this is certainly true, it is the secondary meaning in Scripture. The primary meaning of holy in Scripture is “separate.” When the Scriptures speak of God’s holiness, it is primarily referring to God’s transcendence. “Transcendence is a theological term that, when referring to the Christian God, states that God is outside of the universe and is independent of it and its properties. God is ‘other,’ ‘different’ from His creation. He is independent and different from His creatures (Isaiah 55:8-9). He transcends His creation. He is beyond it and not limited by it or to it.” While we will never be holy in this life, we are called to exercise moral purity and flee from temptation. We are to avoid sin at all costs. However, in the true sense of holy, in God's transcendence, we are not able to imitate that. However, we are to revere God's Name, have a reverential fear and respect for His sacredness, and walk in a holy terror of His Perfection. He is the reason we can take the next breath. Let us never forget that.

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