Saturday, April 30, 2022

4-30-2022 Devotion: Providence

 Isaiah 46: 10: "My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure." We will spend a few days on the Sovereignty of God. This subject embraces topics such as miracles, providence, free will and others. The verse can be paraphrased as "What I say goes, I will do what I want. No one can stop Me." The Bible teaches that God is at work in everything that happens and nothing occurs outside of at least His permissive will. Permissive will means that if something occurs, God at least tacitly permitted it because it occurred. Everything occurs so that God will accomplish His own ends. Two words are used to describe God's work: miracles and providence. A miracle is when God suspends natural law and intervenes supernaturally. Providence is when He takes natural events, millions and millions seemingly unconnected and puts them together to create what He wants, without violating natural laws or human actions. As you go about your day, watch how things just work together. God is at work in everything happening. His way is Perfect. 

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