Tuesday, April 19, 2022

4-19-2022 Devotion: Resting

 Matthew 8: 27: "What kind of man is this?—even the winds and the sea obey Him!" The response of Jesus' disciples to His calming of the storm reveals something about the human heart. Sigmund Freud believed that the first step in the evolution of religious belief was the personalization of nature to mitigate the fear of natural forces. If Freud's theory was correct, the disciples would have been relieved after the storm ceased. Instead, rather than being assuaged, the fear of the disciples was intensified because they were in the Presence of the One who is Holy. More than fearing an impersonal force of nature, the human heart fears that which is Holy. The disciples would not have had an explanation for how the Lord Jesus Christ calmed the sea. They would not have understood the display of power they had witnessed. The disciples felt fear because they realized how very different Jesus was from them. They knew He was holy and they were not. This is a good lesson for us. We are not holy, He is. As I get older, that is a great comfort for me. I am not working my way into heaven, I'm resting in the blood redemption provided by my Lord Jesus Christ. Follow me.

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