Thursday, April 21, 2022

4-21-2022 Devotion: Be Light

 Luke 5: 8: "When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord." Over the last few days we have looked at Holiness and Christ. We are to strive to live holy lives for Him. There may be a cost in doing so, in fact, let me state there will be a cost to being His disciple. Sometimes unsaved people are uncomfortable around real Christians. This is not because we are holy, but because who we represent One Who is. As Christians, we should be a reminder to unbelievers about the reality of God and His Holiness. On occasion, someone has said a curse word around me or told a joke only to apologize to me for their speech. I say it is not me to whom the apology is due. Every believer knows there is a place where one can be vulnerable before the holiness of God while at the same time without fear in the Presence of Christ. By abiding in the Lord Jesus Christ, we are accepted into God's Holiness despite our natural fear of it as sinners. Let us be ambassadors for the Lord Jesus Christ to all those people He brings into our lives. 

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