Sunday, November 13, 2022

11-13-2022 Devotion: Ready

 1 Thessalonians 5: 2: "For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night." The Lord Jesus does not come to the church like a thief in the night. The true church is looking for and waiting for the Lord to come. You don’t wait for a thief and look for him and leave a note for him on the back door when you leave your house—“I left the back door open for you, Mr. Thief, and you’ll find the cash in the third drawer to the right in the dining room.” I don’t imagine you have ever left such a note. The chances are that you check everything before you leave the house, making sure that your home is locked and secure. You want to keep the thief out. So the Lord Jesus does not come as a thief to the church. However, the Lord Jesus Christ does come like a thief to the world after the church has been raptured. As I have said, the Day of the Lord will come suddenly to the earth, and it will begin with the night of the Great Tribulation Period; then finally Christ will come personally to this earth and that is called the Second Coming of Christ.

The Day of the Lord will come suddenly. Be ready.

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