Tuesday, November 15, 2022

11-15-2022 Devotion: Don’t Turn Back

 Matthew 24: 27 reads: "For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." When He comes, there will not be any John the Baptist to announce Him. But when He comes, the whole world will know and it will be as public as lightning. Those of you that live in the Middle West know that a lightning storm is a public affair. When it comes, everybody knows about it, and sometimes it is a frightful experience. The Lord’s second coming to the earth will be like that. No one will need to announce it. When our Lord comes the second time to establish His kingdom on earth, everyone will know He is coming. (Remember that His second coming to earth does not refer to the Rapture.) My heart hurts when I think about those that started the path of following Christ, but they turned back. No, I believe they were pretenders, not really saved. I want to do all I can to spread the Gospel, to throw out the net with the truth that a few might be saved. I don't see a worldwide revival before the end. Yes, a few will be saved and those are the ones we are trying to reach. Our Lord is coming again soon! Tell someone!

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