Wednesday, November 16, 2022

11-16-2022 Devotion: Thanksgiving

 We will spend a few days studying thanksgiving in the Bible. In little over a week, we will celebrate the American holiday of Thanksgiving. What does it mean to be thankful? 1 Chronicles 16: 34 reads: " O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever." 

The Hebrew word for "thanks" is yada. It means: to express praise, give thanks, extol, make a public confession, make an admission; to praise is to speak of the excellence of someone or something; to give thanks has a focus on the gratitude of the speaker. The first thing I try to do every morning is to thank God that He has allowed me to awake with breath in my lungs. Too often, we take the little things for granted and wait until we have a major issue in our lives to try and be spiritual. It is better to make each day a day of thanks regardless of the challenges. He has promised to never leave us nor forsake us. We can rest in His promises of faithfulness. That is a great reason to give thanks. Remember what the Lord Jesus Christ did for you on the cross at Calvary. He is your substitute. One last thing, don't get caught in the trap that this season is about football or "Turkey Day." It isn't. It is about being thankful to our Lord.

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