Wednesday, November 30, 2022

11-30-2022 Devotion: Most

 Trials can reveal what we really love the most. Apart from God, nothing was dearer to Abraham than his son Isaac. That would be the test: to find out whether Abraham loved Isaac more than he loved God. How we react in our trials tells us how much or how little we love God. If we love Him supremely, we will thank Him for what He is accomplishing through our challenges, trials and problems. But if we love anything more than God, we will question His wisdom and be anxious and bitter. God loves His children so much that He will remove those things that we place before our love for Him. The trial of Abraham demonstrated his heart. When you face trials, what do they show about your love for God? God's purpose in testing us is to reveal to us what He already knows about us. That can be a beautiful thing about life's troubles, they are like an x-ray to reveal your inside. When facing a trial, draw close to the Lord Jesus Christ, remove anything that hinders you in your faith, and press forward into being who Christ has made you to be.

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