Thursday, December 1, 2022

12-1-2022 Devotion: Blessings

 Trials teach us to value God's blessings. Common sense and human reasoning tell us that pleasure is better than pain and difficulties. Faith tells us that true blessing is found in God and His Word alone, and trials show us the blessings of obedience. In the midst of King Saul's protracted campaign to kill David, David wrote "Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, my lips will praise You" (Psalm 63: 3). Trials like that enabled David to experience God's lovingkindness as he trusted in God's protection. I have heard it said, "When you get squeezed, you will ooze out whatever is on the inside of you." When David was squeezed, praise for God came forth. When you face a challenge or trial, and you are being squeezed and you are not sure what to do, what will come out of your mouth? Will it be praise, anger, negativity, or frustration? Remember, whatever is in the heart will overflow under pressure. David knew the trial was a reason to praise the Lord. Think about it.

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