Thursday, December 22, 2022

12-22-2022 Devotion: More Rest

 We are continuing  to look at the holiday "Christmas," and we are focusing on making a "Christian invitation." It is found in Matthew 11: 28: "Come unto me, all that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." What is the "rest" spoken of in the passage? It is no mere health of body, or wealth,  or large houses. You can have all those things and be miserable. The rest that Christ provides is an inward thing. It is rest of heart, rest of conscience, rest of mind, rest of will. It is the sense of sins being forgiven and guilt put away. It is a rest from things to come, laid up beyond the reach of disease, death, and the grave. This type of rest is beyond price. You can't buy it or earn it. It is a gift when one comes to Christ in repentance and faith. Look around today and observe people. You may find one that needs to hear this "Christmas invitation" that brings forth rest. Testify to what Christ has done for you.

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