Thursday, December 8, 2022

12-8-2022 Devotion: Reason

 I want you to think about the reason for trials. If my faith endures only when I'm doing well on the mountaintop, then it is of little practical value. True faith sustains me when everything goes wrong. True faith will show itself when immersed in a trial. That is a reason why in the book of James, he introduces the test of trials: "Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials." The Greek word translated as "various" means "many colored." This emphasizes not the quantity but the diversity of trouble that can come our way. The word translated "trials" refers to that which breaks the pattern of tranquility or happiness. We don't know the specific trial James referenced, but his words, inspired by the Holy Spirit, provide sound advice for any trial we might encounter. Your faith is able to take you through whatever you experience in life. Be joyful in the midst of trials! That is what genuine faith looks like.

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