Tuesday, December 27, 2022

12-27-2022 Devotion: Holding Fast

 2 Timothy 4: 10 reads "Demas, in love with this present world, has deserted me." The apostle Paul was now an old man when he wrote this Scripture. He was forsaken by someone very close to him. Satan knows that nothing can prevail against those who are trusting in Christ, therefore he studies how to direct their attention to earthly or worldly pleasures. There are five things we can do to hold fast our faith: (1) Hold out a strong resolution against opposition, since difficulties will come. Make an effort to stand strong. (2) Strive to know the truth and practice what you know. (3) Get the love of God in your heart and focus on the Word. (4) Strive for self-denial. A true Christian has a single focus, the Lord Jesus Christ. (5) Grow deeper in humility. Pride goes before the fall. Stay humble. If you follow these steps, you will not fall in love with this present world.  You will be able to hold out in times of trial.

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