Friday, December 9, 2022

12-9-2022 Devotion: Blessed

 One of the results of trials is being blessed. James ends his words on trials in chapter 1 verse 12: ``Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him." James 5: 11 reiterates the same thought: "We count those blessed who endured." James is not saying blessing comes in freedom from trials, but rather in victory over them. It is not some shallow joy of the mere spectator, it is the exuberance of the participant who fought hard and won. It is important to understand the respective roles of the parties involved. God is your ultimate Source to stand against trials, however that does not mean you can have a laissez faire (literally, "leave it alone") attitude. While salvation is a solo action by God, sanctification is a joint effort. In the sanctification process God and you work together to make you more into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ. While that effort will never be complete in this life, I believe it will be in the next one. Today, make an effort to yield to the Holy Spirit and His working on your heart and life to cause you to be the best ambassador for the Kingdom that you can be.

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