Saturday, December 17, 2022

12-17-2022 Devotion: A Christmas Invitation

 Disclaimer: Before beginning a series of devotions on the Christmas holiday, I want to be clear that I am not anti-Christmas. However, I do believe we should be Biblical in our approach to all holidays and celebrations. That requires a candid look at Christmas. 

We are approaching December 25th which has been labeled "Christmas," by the church. We will spend the next few days talking about Christmas. The first Christmas was celebrated in the Roman Empire in 336A.D. Let me be clear, there is no Bible recognition of the holiday, and we can assume that the Lord Jesus Christ did not tell His disciples to celebrate that day because there is no evidence they did. What should be the Bible believers' response to the holiday? You may have heard the expression, "Put Christ back into Christmas." The problem with this is that He never was part of Christmas, so He can't be put back into something He never was a part of. I think the best approach is found in making a Christmas invitation to those in your family and friends. What is the Christian invitation? Matthew 11: 28 reads, "Come unto me, all that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." The Lord Jesus Christ is making the invitation to those that are suffering and struggling. This time of year, you can find people everywhere in this group. Many people are hurting. This is a time of the year that making a call to those are struggling to come to Christ is appropriate. He will never turn someone away who comes to Him in faith and repentance. When you tell someone this invitation, you are testifying about the best present ever!

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