Thursday, December 29, 2022

-29-2022 Devotion: Persevere

 Ephesians 6: 18: "Praying at all times in the Spirit...with all perseverance." To persevere means to hold out to the end, until God gives the thing prayed for, or takes away the subject of our prayer. Many times, we pray and we don't see an immediate result. Why does God deal like this with His people? First, He does so for His glory. Think about what Job went through. God would never have allowed Job to experience what he did if it would not bring glory to God. That is exactly what occurred in the book of Job. God received more glory and Job received more at the end than he had in the beginning. Second, God intends His people's advantage to delay His gracious answer. God may appear to be sleeping, but He is not. Instead, He is preparing a greater mercy for His children. Third, delayed mercies taste sweeter and give more joy and thankfulness because the Christian's desires are sharpened by long waiting and praying. Parents know that sometimes their children ask for things they are not ready for. It is love that often delays the answer. Our Lord Jesus Christ always has our best interests in mind. In summary, when  you don't receive an immediate answer, it doesn't mean that God is not listening. It means that He is working His plan which may or may not be your plan. I like that. It comforts me because His vantage point is much better than mine. 

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