Monday, December 12, 2022

12-12-2022 Devotion: Love

 Trials enable us to demonstrate our ongoing love for our Lord Jesus Christ. A Christian is not simply a person who at one point believed the truth. The true believer has an ongoing love for God that even trials cannot shake loose. The Lord Jesus explained on multiple occasions what it is to love God: the one who loves God keeps His commandments. John 14: 15 reads: "If ye love me, keep my commandments.Believers may experience times of struggle and doubt, but we know our faith remains intact because we'll see it continue working itself out as a love that obeys God. That type of loving perseverance results in abundant spiritual blessings. Friend, are you struggling about something today? Perhaps it is a lost loved one, a relationship breakup, financial concerns, or a health issue, know that as you continue to demonstrate your love for the Lord Jesus Christ, you will persevere and be blessed as you lean on Him.

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