Wednesday, December 14, 2022

12-14-2022 Devotion: Opportunity

 We continue looking at the statement: Trials are opportunities to prove the perseverance of the true believer. You reveal you belong to God if you don't abandon your faith in times of trial or otherwise. There is an apparent paradox: A believer is saved because he was chosen by God before creation (Ephesians 1: 4), yet he is not saved without exercising faith (Romans 10: 9-10). God's covenant faithfulness is the Christian's only security for salvation and ultimate glorification, but we are still responsible to obey and persevere. Let me give you an illustration to make the point. When some of my children were younger, they wanted to learn to ride a bike. They had training wheels on to keep them from falling. When their balance was better, it was time to take the wheels off. I would have my child get on the bike and they would start pedaling. I would be running next to them to make sure they didn't fall.  Now they were doing the work of pedaling but I was running alongside to make sure they were successful and did not fall. That is how our Lord works. He is with us continually making sure we persevere. We have to use some effort, but He will keep you from falling. Keep looking to Him and regardless of the trial, you will persevere. 

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