Saturday, December 10, 2022

12-10-2022 Devotion: More Blessings

 We continue looking at James 1: 12: ``Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him." This verse speaks of patiently and triumphantly enduring. We learn that perseverance is a result of being in a trial. The person who emerges triumphant from trials is the one who never gives up his faith or abandons God. He proves genuine, and all genuine Christains will receive the crown of life. Many people come to church, make a decision for Christ, even get baptized, yet when trouble comes calling, they leave the faith, sometimes permanently. The trial could be a personal relationship, death of a loved one, sickness, or financial woes, and they blame God and walk away, convinced that Christianity doesn't work. Let's be clear, I don't believe these people were ever born-again. They did an "add-on" and put a little religion in their life like checking a box. The truly converted person will not walk away from God just because life gets challenging. To the real Christian, trials bring forth perseverance. As we learned yesterday, that brings forth a blessing.

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