Sunday, December 18, 2022

12-18-2022 Devotion: Come

 We continue looking at the holiday known as Christmas. Remember, this is not a Biblical holiday, it was invented by the church in 336A.D. in an effort to attract members of some Babylonian cults who celebrated the Winter Solstice on December 25th. The church basically said, join us and you can still have you holiday. The festivals were drunken affairs with plenty of immorality contrary to how a Christian should live. Yesterday, we read Matthew 11: 28: "Come unto me, all that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." We know the Lord Jesus is speaking to those hurting. What does He ask the hearer to do; He asked them to "come" to Him. He didn't ask you to join a church, make a decision for Him, or "accept" Him. No, He says to come to Him. Lay down your excuses and accept responsibility for your sins and sin nature. Come to Him in repentance and He will give them "rest." People are tired today. There are financial and cultural issues abounding. People feel overwhelmed. But we can offer the Christmas invitation as directed by Christ to "come" and He will give you "rest." Rest is a beautiful gift to those that are suffering. Be an ambassador of rest today and make a Christmas invitation.

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