Friday, December 23, 2022

12-23-2022 Devotion: More Rest

 We are continuing  to look at the holiday "Christmas," and we are focusing on making a "Christian invitation." It is found in Matthew 11: 28: "Come unto me, all that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." "Rest" spoken of in this Scripture is a rest from the uncertainties in life. Regardless of what you are facing, when you have the Savior's "rest" you have all you need to face whatever comes your way. Rest such as this is the privilege of all believers in Christ. Some may know more of it and some less. Some feel it only at distant intervals, and some feel it almost always. Few enjoy the sense of it without a battle with unbelief, and many a conflict with fear. But all who truly come to Christ, know something of this rest. Someone struggling could be asked, "Would they like to give up Christ and go back to the world?" The true believer will give the answer, "Weak I may be, fearful I am, but I will never renounce my Lord Jesus Christ." Friends, regardless of the challenge, never forego Christ. Come to Him and receive His rest. That is your best life now.

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