Sunday, December 4, 2022

12-4-2022 Devotion: Value

 Trials teach us to value God's blessings. Human common sense and reasoning tell us that pleasure is the highest good for us. Faith tells us that true blessing is found in God and His Word alone, and trials show us the blessings of that obedience. In the midst of King Saul's lengthy, continuous, murderous pursuit of him (1 Samuel 23: 14),  David wrote, "Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, my lips will praise You." (Psalm 63: 3) Trials like that enable David to experience lovingkindness as he trusted in God's protection. When you are facing a trial what is the source of your protection? Do you rely on your own strength, or that of some support group? The only true source of protection is God. As we lean on Him and walk in obedience, we will experience His blessings. That is the best protection.

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