Thursday, November 24, 2022

11-24-2022 Devotion: Thankful

 Luke 7:44-50

Upon learning of Jesus’ visitation to the Pharisee’s home, this sinful woman came to beg and weep for forgiveness.  She knew of the sins she’s committed, and is now seeking mercy from the Son of God. Because of her remorse and repentance, she lavishly praised the Lord Jesus Christ at His feet by using a bottle of perfume in exchange for oil. On this American holiday known as Thanksgiving, while it is good to be thankful for family and friends, let us begin our celebration thanking the Lord Jesus Christ for His blood sacrifice that He provided that you might be saved and have eternal life. This is not “Turkey Day” or a day focused on football games, it is a day of thanksgiving for our Lord and Saviour. I want to personally testify that the Lord Jesus Christ is my Saviour and without Him and His grace and mercy, I would be eternally lost. Praise His Holy Name! Now, that is a reason to be thankful!

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