Wednesday, November 2, 2022

11-2-2022 Devotion: Comforter

 John 14: 16: "And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever...."  This is a unique fact of this age in which we are living. The Holy Spirit was here on earth before Pentecost, but on the Day of Pentecost He came to indwell believers. That was the thing which was new. In Jeremiah 31, the Word tells us that God will write His laws on our hearts. In Exodus, the Law was written on tablets of stone.  In the New Covenant, the Law is written on our hearts. “Holy” and “Spirit” describe Him, but Comforter is His name, if He has a name. It is a very fitting name, as com means “along side of” and fortis means “strong.” He is the strong One who abides with us forever. The Greek word translated “Comforter” was used in legal language for an advocate for the defense, and more generally for one called upon for help. Jesus was such a help for the disciples; and after His ascension the Holy Spirit would take over this work. This should be a comfort to every believer. You are not alone. The Father has sent the Holy Spirit to dwell inside you. Stop and ponder this fact.

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