Monday, September 30, 2019

Can You Grow Into Entire Sanctification?

Can a state of entire sanctification be secured by ordinary growth in grace?

It cannot; for the following reasons:

1. Growth in grace is neither a destroying, nor a washing, nor a crucifying, nor a cleansing process. Entire sanctification is a death, a washing, a purification. "The blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanseth us from all sin."
2. Growth in grace has respect to addition, to enlargement and development, and belongs entirely to the positive in Christian life -- the graces of the spirit. Growth is an increase or development of some living force: not a destroyer or transformer of any living force. The idea of entire sanctification is that of justification, i. e., the removal of an impurity or defilement. One is a destruction, the other is an enlargement.
3. Growth in grace is a natural process, involving culture and discipline, and appertains to spiritual life. Sanctification is a supernatural and divine work wrought in the soul. Growth, the natural, gradual process of development, should not be mixed with the instantaneous, supernatural work of purgation and purification.
4. In growth in grace, the soul is active and co-operative. Entire sanctification is something experienced, and not something done. The soul is passive, is the subject, and not the agent of the cleansing, the same as it was in regeneration. Before and after both regeneration and entire sanctification the soul is active and co-operative.
5. Growth never changes the nature of any thing; hence, a believer cannot grow pure, for the same reason that a sinner cannot grow into a saint -- growth not changing the nature of things. A pure nature may grow, and an impure one may grow, and mere growth does not change the one or the other.
6. Growth and development have no fixed relations to purity in any way. They have respect to size, or enlargement, and not to quality or purity; and hence, all changes by growth, or gradual processes, are in size or quantity, and not in kind or quality. Purity or holiness has respect to quality and not to quantity.
7. Growth in grace is the same after entire sanctification as before. If growth in grace is a cleansing process, and is growth in purity, it must follow, that when the soul is entirely sanctified, there can be no further growth, since what is wholly pure can never become more pure.
8. Dr. F. G. Hibbard says: "It has long appeared to us that any who are seeking after entire holiness mistake the duty of gradual growth in grace, and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, for a gradual growing out of sin. They seem to think that the two mutually involve each other, and that as they must always grow up into Christ in all things, so they must by degrees grow out of the bondage, guilt, and pollution of sin." Now, to all such we would say one word of admonition. There is no gradual growing out of sin. All that partakes of the proper nature of sin in you must be forgiven and washed way through faith in the blood of the Lamb. WHEN THIS IS DONE, IT IS AN INSTANTANEOUS WORK."

Sin is not a thing to be grown out of, but a thing to be forgiven and to be cleansed away." -- "In this view of perfection [the improvement and maturity of the graces of the Spirit], there are degrees and progressive stages but in the work of simply cleansing from all sin, both of flesh and spirit, inbred and overt sin, there are no degrees, no progressive stages, -- the work is complete at the first, and instantaneous as to time, performed by the Holy Ghost just at the moment when the burdened soul has faith to be made every whit whole." -- N. C. Advocate.

The idea that deliverance from indwelling sin, and a state of entire sanctification may be secured by the ordinary process of growth, we regard as a serious mistake and productive of much evil. 

Sunday, September 29, 2019

13th Bible Study: The Lord Whom Ye Seek

Today, we conclude the quarterly study on the Minor Prophets. We have examined the writings of Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Obadiah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. We have observed a trend of God’s people having a difficult time obeying the Lord’s will, God sending a messenger with His directions, and finally, varying responses by the people. Today, we focus on Malachi chapter 3. Chapter 3 involves a response to the people’s skepticism: the coming of the Day of Judgment will answer their taunts, and show whether it pays to serve God and ends with an abrupt change of subject, tithes.

The first section of the lesson is “He Shall Come.” When God comes to judge He will be like “a refiner’s fire and like fuller’s some,” purifying, cleansing, and removing the dross. He will separate the precious from the vile. Those that belong to the Lord and serve Him are precious and His peculiar treasure. Those with faith in Christ are to be “a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God By Jesus Christ.” God will have a holy ministry and holy laity. Despite of some of the nonsense that tries to pass itself off as Christian ministry, a day of judgment is coming and all that is not holy and truly dedicated to God will face the consequences. In His high priestly prayer John 17, Jesus prayed that the disciples and their followers would be sanctified. We are to serve Him in holiness and righteousness all the days of our lives. Luke 1:74,75

The second session is “Return Unto Me.” The people asked, “Where is the God of Judgment?” God answered their question, “I will draw near to you to Judgment.” God sees all and knows all. The list of those condemned included sorcerers, adulterers, false swearers, those oppressing hired laborers, widows, and the fatherless, and those that defraud the stranger. The Lord does not change. What He disliked centuries ago, He dislikes today. God is unchanging in His holiness and therefore unchanging in His hatred of sin. Too often today, the church overlooks sin in an effort to increase its size, hoping that eventually people will get “saved.” While the Lord does not want anyone to be lost, He does have a method to get people right with Him. It’s called preaching the gospel. It’s telling the people the truth. Repent and be baptized and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Understand that though sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, it will be executed. We are to draw near to God, and He will draw near to us. When we do, the day of judgment does not bring fear, but instead a loving God that we rejoice in His appearing.

The third section is: “Bring All the Tithe.” This at first appears to be an abrupt change, but is it? God gets more specific and cites a material transgression which cannot be denied. Will a man rob God? Let the power of that statement sink in. Man has the ability to rob God. Those that do rob God, are”cursed with a curse.” While the curse comes, God extends mercy and shows them the path of remedy: “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse.” God says to prove Him. When the people obey God, He has promised to pour out a blessing upon them. Not only would God bless them, He would rebuke the devourer. That is shouting ground! If we would have God open His treasury, then we must open ours. Dr. Adam Clarke said, “What you give to God shall never lessen your store.”

The lesson ends with the Golden Text: “And the glory of the LORD shall be received, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.” Isaiah 40:5

My summary points:
1. There is a Day of Judgment coming and we must be ready for it.
2. We are ready for that day when we are saved and sanctified and walking in obedience.
3. We are to trust God by giving tithes and offerings to ministries that are kingdom building. This excludes ministries that want money for airplanes, fancy mansions for the preachers and lavish surroundings. Sow your tithe into good ground and you will reap an abundant harvest.

Next Sunday begins a new quarter. We will be studying the book of Hebrews. This study will take you deeper in your faith. Contact me if you want the materials. They are free and postpaid.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Spiritual Questionnaire


This test will allow you to see where you are spiritually?

Do I enjoy my religion? Y. N.
Do I enjoy prayer? Y. N.
Do I take time to read my Bible and pray? Y. N.
Do I enjoy reading my Bible? Y. N.
Do I enjoy getting alone and having quiet times with Jesus? Y. N.
Am I enjoying walking in the light that God has given me? Y. N.
Am I careful to not grieve the Holy Spirit even in small things? Y. N.
Do I let the cares or pleasures of life choke out prayer and the Word? Y. N.
Have I recently rejoiced over the Word, as one rejoiceth who findeth a great spoil? Y. N. Have I recently been blessed real good around the family altar? Y. N.
In my private prayer? Y. N.
Have I lately prayed for lost souls? Y. N.
Do I willingly practice fasting? Y. N.
Do I rise early to have time to get alone with God? Y. N.
Am I allowing things in my life that hinder my prayers? Y. N.
Do I steadfastly and determinedly take time to pray and worship God? Y. N. Am I laying aside the weight which hinders my spiritual running? Y. N.
Am I a good example? Y. N.
Do I enjoy thinking and talking about the things of God? Y. N.
Do I enjoy the company of deeply spiritual people? Y. N.
Does my heart pant after a closer walk with God? Y. N.
Do I desire to be made all that grace can make me? Y. N.
Do I have fellowship with Jesus? Y. N.
Do I have the spirit that returns good for evil? Y. N.
That goes the second mile? Y. N.
That forgives my enemies? Y. N.
That loves my enemies? Y. N.
That does to others as I want them to do to me? Y. N.
Do I keep a meek and quiet spirit; do I keep sweet when imposed upon? Y. N. When reproved? Y. N.
When slighted? Y. N.
When turned down? Y. N.
When not appreciated? Y. N.
When others are put above me? Y. N.
When asked to do some lowly task? Y. N.
When suffering for doing good? Y. N.
Do I become provoked? Y. N.
Down in the depths of my heart (though I may not say a word) do I feel the stirrings of anger? Y. N.
Of envy? Y. N.
Of hatred? Y. N.
Of jealousy? Y. N.
Of revenge? Y. N.
Of bitterness? Y. N.
Of selfishness? Y. N.
Do I enjoy having the best chair, the best apple in the dish, the best piece of pie on the plate -- when others have what is left? Y. N.
Do I seek the easiest tasks? Y. N.
Is the praise of man sweet to my taste? Y. N. Do I love to have my name head the list? Y. N. Do I enjoy being flattered? Y. N.
Being at the head of things? Y. N.
Do I seek the happiness of others? Y. N.
Am I striving to make others happy? Y. N.
Am I gentle towards all men? Y. N.
Can I bear with the infirmities of others? Y. N. Am I too hasty in judging others? Y. N.
Do I hope the best of others? Y. N.
Do I put the best construction on the acts of others? Y. N.
Do I entertain evil surmisings of others? Y. N.
Do I watch others with a suspicious eye? Y. N.
Do I have respect of persons? Y. N.
Do I excuse in my "set" what I condemn in others? Y. N.
Do I enjoy having other people praised in my presence? Y. N.
Do I go up the miff tree when slighted, imposed upon or rebuked? Y. N. When I cannot have my own way? Y. N.
When others do better than I? Y. N.
When taken to task by one in authority? Y. N.
When not put first? Y. N.
When not appreciated? Y. N.
When others are advanced over me? Y. N.
When I am misunderstood, or misjudged? Y. N.
When others do what I think they ought not do? Y. N.
Do I ever have the pouts? Y. N.
The sulks? Y. N.
Become grouchy? Y. N.
Do I speak evil of others? Y. N.
Do I criticize people behind their backs? Y. N.
Do I scold? Y. N.
Do I murmur? Y. N.
Do I speak roughly to home people? Y. N.
Do I say words that are unkind, cutting, or sarcastic? Y. N.
Do I say about others what I would not say about my mother, father, or other loved ones? Y. N.
Is my tongue under control? Y. N.
Do I observe the "Golden Rule" in talking about others? Y. N.
Do I ever feel a spirit of resentment -- though I may not say a word, and may wear a smile -- when crossed, or reproved? Y. N.
When slighted, or not appreciated? Y. N. When persecuted? Y. N.
When suffering for doing good? Y. N. When lied about? Y. N.

When others start defaming stories? Y. N.
When others, with lesser abilities, are put above me? Y. N. Do I feel a spirit of levity? Y. N.
Of a stony heart? Y. N.
Of unbelief? Y. N.
Of unsanctified ambitions? Y. N.
Of uncharitable thoughts toward others? Y. N.
Of self-will? Y. N.
Do I feel a spirit of pride of self? Y. N.
Of my family? Y. N.
Of my ability? Y. N.
Of my talents? Y. N.
Of superiority because of my position, or education or standing? Y. N.
Of pride because of my preaching, or singing, or praying, or works? Y. N.
Of pride over my looks, or social standing, etc? Y. N.
Do I have a spirit of charity towards the weak, the untalented, the uneducated, the poor, the unfortunate ones? Y. N.
Is my supreme desire to glorify God? Y. N.
Do I have any controversy with God? Y. N.
Do I seek my pleasure rather than His? Y. N.
Can I bear insults, reproaches, and injuries with meekness? Y. N.
Is there any one of whom I can say that I love the creature more than the Creator? Y. N. Is there any person or thing that I am unwilling to give up? Y. N.

Am I willing to suffer for Jesus? Y. N.
Do I have a teachable spirit? Y. N.
Do I have a humble spirit? Y. N.
Am I willing to be taught even by those who seem or are below me? Y. N. Am I a faithful steward in finances? Y. N.

Do I confess that I am only a steward? Y. N.
Do I joyfully give as God prospers me? Y. N.
Does my love for Jesus reach my pocketbook and close it in denial of self and open it for others? Y. N.
In the face of 1,000,000,000 souls without the Gospel, can I justify myself in the amount of money I use for my home? Y. N.
For food? Y. N.
For my auto? Y. N. For pleasures? Y. N.
For luxuries or nicknacks? Y. N.
Am I strengthened in the inner man unto all longsuffering with joyfulness? Y. N.
Is my life hid with Christ in God? Y. N.
Am I crucified with Christ? Y. N.
Can I say, "Let Christ be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death"? Y. N.
Am I seeking those things which are above? Y. N.
Can I say, "To me to live is Christ, and to die is gain"? Y. N.
Are the liberties which I take hindering others? Y. N.
Am I lifting up Jesus before loved ones, enemies, storekeepers, etc? Y. N.
Am I bearing the burdens of others? Y. N.
Am I lifting up the hands that hang down? Y. N.
Have I a conscience void of offense toward man and to ward God? Y. N.
Do I become provoked and jerk my horse, or kick the cat or dog, or slap the children (in wrong spirit), or speak snappish to loved ones? Y. N.
Do I get provoked over the car that won't start, or the fire that won't burn, or the hog that won't go into the pen, or the calf that won't drink, or the horse that tramps on my feet, or the cow that kicks, or the neighbor's stock in my field or flower garden? Y. N.
If my car, or mule, or cow, or stove could testify for me at church, would I welcome their testimony? Y. N.
Do I strive to keep my body under, and honor it as the temple of the Holy Spirit? Y. N. Have I turned my back upon the world? Y. N.
Have I settled it in my heart to go through with God regardless of the cost? Y. N.
Is it my aim, my purpose, to make Heaven my home? Y. N.

Friday, September 27, 2019

What Eradication Does Not Do?


The eradication of the old man does save from inbred sin. It does take out carnality -- roots, stock and branches. It does make the heart perfect in love. Man is human after he receives this most marvelous experience, and is limited to the realm of the human.
The eradication of the old man does not save us from mistakes.

"The highest perfection which man can attain, while the soul dwells in the body, does not exclude ignorance and error and a thousand other infirmities. Now from wrong judgments, wrong words and actions will often necessarily flow: and, in some cases, wrong affections also may spring from the same source. I may judge wrong of you; I may think more or less highly of you than I ought to think; and this mistake, in my judgment, may not only occasion something wrong in my behavior, but it may have a still deeper effect; it may occasion something wrong in my affections. From a wrong apprehension, I may love and esteem you either more or less than I ought. Nor can I be freed from a liableness to such a mistake while I remain in a corruptible body. A thousand infirmities, in consequence of this, will attend my spirit, till it returns to God who gave it. And, in numberless instances, it comes short of doing the will of God, as Adam did in paradise. Hence the best of men say from the heart,
'Every moment, Lord, I need
The merit of Thy death.'
"Every man living needs the blood of atonement, or he could not stand before God."

While our hearts are made perfect in entire sanctification, our heads are still subject to the infirmities of humanity. It is only when we receive our glorified bodies that these infirmities will be removed from us. A sanctified man may make many mistakes, may err in judgment, may place wrong values on things, may do many unwise things, and still love God with all his heart.

"Hence, we cannot but infer, that there are ten thousand mistakes, which may consist with real religion; with regard to which every candid, considerate man will think and let think."
It does not save one from a nervous fear. Perfect love does cast out all fear of the judgment, it does make timid people courageous; but it does not destroy the quality of nervous fear. This is a God-given quality for our protection. A sanctified man can have extreme nervous fear when riding with a careless driver, or when exposed to sudden danger, when struck at by a rattlesnake, when in a wreck, when in a tornado, when a dog suddenly attacks, etc., etc.

"One may start, tremble, change color, or be otherwise disordered in body, while the soul is calmly stayed on God and remains in perfect peace. Nay, the mind itself may be deeply distressed, may be exceedingly sorrowful, may be perplexed and pressed down by heaviness and anguish, even to agony, while the heart is resigned to God. Was it not so with the Son of man himself? Does any child of man endure this distress, the anguish, the agony, which he sustained? And yet he 'knew no sin.'
It does not save us from infirmities and the consequences thereof.

Even sanctified souls "dwell in a shattered body, and are so pressed down thereby that they cannot always exert themselves as they would by thinking, speaking and acting precisely right. For want of better bodily organs, they must at times think, speak, or act wrong; not, indeed, through a defect of love, but through a defect of knowledge, and while this is the case, notwithstanding that defect and its consequences, they fulfill the law of love."

It does not save us from ignorance and its results. Speaking of those who are entirely sanctified, Wesley so aptly says: "They are not perfect in knowledge. They are not free from ignorance, no, nor from mistakes. We are no more to expect any living man to be infallible than to be omniscient. They are not free from infirmities; such as weakness or slowness of understanding, irregular quickness or heaviness of imagination. Such in another kind are impropriety of language, ungracefulness of pronunciation, to which one might add a thousand nameless defects either in conversation or behavior. From such infirmities as these none are perfectly freed till their spirit returns to God."
It doesn't save from the law of growth in grace. A pure heart is not necessarily mature. One receives a pure heart the second he is sanctified, but it takes time to develop maturity. A half-grown apple is all apple, but it is far from being mature. The greatest book on this subject, Wood's "Purity and Maturity," will prove a blessing in any home. Satan often troubles many when
they are first sanctified, because they do not have the maturity of those who have been sanctified for years. The eradication of the old man greatly aids in the development of maturity.
It does not save us from our individuality. Getting sanctified does not put us in a form, and make us all alike, like men make cement blocks. There is a wonderful variety in all nature and in grace. One manifests great joy by shouting, another by laughing, another by running around, another by weeping, another by holy quietness too deep to express itself, another by a heavenly glow upon the face, etc., etc. All these have the joy and glory but manifest it in different ways. Some seem even to expect it to change the color of their hair, or cure them from being cross-eyed, or take freckles off their face, or cause their big ears to become smaller, or take the crook out of their nose, etc. This is not the realm of this great experience. It does fill the heart with perfect love. It does "beautify the meek with salvation." But we will have to put up with crooked noses, freckles, big feet, red hair, squint eyes, ponderous ears, our Irish, or Dutch or Scotch or other national make-up -- we must bear these until we get glorified bodies.

It does not save from temptation. Jesus was tempted. The servant is not above his master. We must, therefore, expect temptations as long as we are in the body. The closer our walk with God, the greater are the temptations. A holy heart is, however, a great aid in overcoming satanic attacks. As long as the old man abides in the heart, Satan has an affinity with him. It is much easier to resist temptation when this affinity is broken. It is hard for the heart to line up with the Bible as long as carnality exists. How much easier it is for a holy man to line up along the lines of finances, worldly conformity, dress, the tongue, etc., etc. The old man in the heart constantly exerts an influence contrary to the Spirit of God. The only way to stop this influence is to have him eradicated.
"The sanctified man is ready for Gethsemane with its loneliness, the judgment-seat of man with its false witnessing, and the cross with its shame and suffering. All that is needed is for Christ to lead, and he will follow."
"May we see to it that we obtain the sanctifying blood! It matters not if we are exiled to Patmos, or beheaded ecclesiastically, or cast out of the synagogue as altogether vile, -- the compensation is overwhelming for all these sufferings."
"When the heart is impure, it will be often tempted from itself; its own evil pronings will often lead it to 'bring forth actual sin,' which, if not repented of, will bring forth eternal death."
'Cruel criticisms,' and the still more cruel persecutions of 'bringing before councils,' 'imprisoning,' 'scourging,' 'torturing' and 'burning at the stake' are but the sparks struck by the wheels of the 'chariot' of the King in its ascent toward the celestial summits."
"There are evil spirits that range abroad, . . . . to whom the provinces of the world are committed:-- 'of the darkness,' chiefly the spiritual darkness; 'of this age;' which prevails during the present state of things; 'against wicked spirits;' eminently such, who mortally hate, and continually oppose holiness, and labour to infuse unbelief, pride, evil desire, malice, anger, hatred, envy or revenge.
"Thousands are lost for want of exercising moral courage against the persecutions and contempt of the world. This fear 'hath torment,' destroys usefulness, endangers the soul, . . . ."
Tempted we are, and tempted we must be. In His infinite wisdom and love, God is using temptation to strengthen the moral character of the saints. If we had our way, we would banish Satan or put him to death. God is love. He knows the way we take. When He hath taken us through His "School of Temptation," we shall come forth as His pure gold.
Temptation must come, but "if you are wise, escape for your life. Without loss of time, renounce the cause and effect together! Now, today, before the heart be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin, cut off, at one stroke, that sinful friendship with the ungodly, and that sinful conformity to the world. Determine this day! Do not delay till tomorrow, lest you delay for ever. For God's sake, for your own soul's sake, fix your resolution now!"
"Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
Note. This, as the others, is not a complete treatise, but a suggestive study. You can develop this study along many lines.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

What Does Eradication Do?


Many are the results of the eradication of the old man. The old man dies; he stops playing possum and dies. The heart is perfected in love. The soul enjoys the life more abundant. No better picture can be given of a sanctified heart than some notes from John Wesley explaining the thirteenth chapter of First Corinthians.

"And first, 'Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels'; with an eloquence such as never was found in men concerning the nature, attributes, and works of God, . . . . though I were not herein a whit behind the chief of the apostles; preaching like St. Peter, and praying like St. John; -- yet unless humble, gentle, patient love be the ruling temper of my soul, I am no better in the judgment of God, 'than sounding brass, or a rumbling cymbal.' The highest eloquence, . . . . the brightest talents either for preaching or prayer, if they were not joined with humble, meek, and patient resignation, 
might sink me the deeper into hell, but will not bring me one step nearer heaven.

"And though I have miracle working faith, and have not this love, I am nothing.
"Though I -- Deliberately, piece by piece, give all my goods to feed the poor . . . . though I deliver up my body to be burned -- and have not the love hereafter described, it profiteth me nothing.
"Love suffereth long and is kind.' -- Suffers all the weaknesses of the children of God, all the wickedness of the children of the world, and that not for a little time only, but as long as God pleases. Love inspires with the most amiable sweetness and fervent, tender affection toward the one that knowingly injures you, and amid it all you will feel and manifest a mild, tender, long-suffering spirit in look, action, and voice.

"Deceive not, therefore, your own souls: he who is not thus kind, hath not love.
"Consequently, 'Love envieth not;' it is impossible it should. It is directly opposite to that baneful temper. It cannot be, that he who has that tender affection to all, who earnestly wishes all temporal and spiritual blessings, all good things in this world and the world to come, to every soul that God hath made, should be pained at his bestowing any good gift on any child of God. However then we may flatter ourselves, or one another, he that envieth hath not love.

"It follows, 'Love vaunteth not itself;' or rather, is not harsh, or hasty in judging: for this is indeed the true meaning of the word. As many as love their neighbor for God's sake, will not easily receive an ill opinion of any to whom they wish all good, spiritual as well as temporal.

"'Love is not puffed up.' As is the measure of love, so is the measure of humility. Nothing humbles the soul so deeply as love: it casts out all 'high conceits; engendering pride, all arrogance and over weening; makes us little, and poor, and base, and vile in our eyes. It abases us both before God and man; makes us willing to be the least of all, and the servant of all, and teaches us to say, 'A mote in the sunbeam is little, but I am infinitely less in the presence of God.' And whosoever is otherwise minded, let him give up all vain hope: he is puffed up, and so hath not love.

"It 'doth not behave itself unseemly;' it is not rude or willingly offensive to any.
"'Love seeketh not her own.' In striving to please all men, the lover of mankind has no eye at all to his own temporal advantage. He covets no man's silver, or gold, or apparel: he desires nothing but the salvation of their souls: yea, in some sense he may be said not to seek his own spiritual, any more than temporal advantage; for while he is on the full stretch to save their souls from death, he, as it were, forgets himself. He does not think of himself, so long as that zeal for the glory of God swallows him up.

"No marvel that such 'love is not provoked'. It is not provoked to unkindness towards any one. Occasions indeed will frequently occur; outward provocations of various kinds: but love does not yield to provocation; it triumphs over all. In all trials it looketh unto Jesus, and is more than conqueror in his love.

"Love 'thinketh no evil'. It tears up, root and branch, all imagining what we have not known. It casts out all jealousies, all evil surmisings, all readiness to believe evil. It is frank, open, unsuspicious; and, as it cannot design, so neither does it fear evil.

"It 'rejoiceth not in iniquity.' Who scruple not to rejoice over their enemy, when he falleth either into affliction, or error, or sin? Only a man of love. He alone weeps over either the sin or folly of his enemies, takes no pleasure in hearing or in repeating it, but rather desires that it may be forgotten for ever.

"But he 'rejoiceth in the truth,' wheresoever it is found; in 'the truth which is after godliness;' bringing forth its proper fruit, holiness of heart, and holiness of conversation. He rejoices to find that even those who oppose him, whether with regard to opinions, or some points of practice, are nevertheless lovers of God, and in other respects unreprovable.

"'Love beareth all things.' Whatever evil the lover of mankind sees, hears, or knows of any one, he mentions it to none; it never goes out of his lips, unless where absolute duty constrains to speak. A talebearer, a backbiter, a whisperer, an evil speaker is to him all one as a murderer. He would just as soon cut his neighbor's throat as thus murder his reputation.

"Love 'believeth all things.' It is always willing to think the best; to put the most favorable construction on everything. It is ever ready to believe whatever may tend to the advantage of any one's character.

'Love hopeth all things.' The eye of the soul in 'perfect love' can see the silver side of the darkest clouds of opposition, hatred, violence; in fact, such souls live there. The spirit of loving compassion takes things usually for better than they really are. 'Of the sins, faults, failures of another, perfect love hopeth it is not so bad after all;' it leans to mercy rather than censure and condemnation.
'Love endureth all things.' Endures with unwearied patience anything that God can permit, or men and devils inflict. Endures reproach, slander, misunderstanding, opposition, contempt, ridicule, affliction, poverty, and even death."

A heart that is free from the old man is cured of the "ups and downs"; is kept sweet amidst the greatest provocations; lives in security, abounds in humility, lives in harmony with others, delights in the will of God, has a holy courage, is rid of the fear of man, has an illuminated Bible, has an open pocketbook, is dead to the praise of man, never has the pouts, never goes up the miff tree, is loyal to God, never feels superior to others, bears much fruit, has great liberality, abounds in praise, gives himself to prayer, has a burden for the lost, is well fed, lives a conquering life, is rich with true riches, is hilarious, is stable in the midst of wavering, rejoices evermore, and prays without ceasing.
In short, the only way to know what Entire Sanctification does do is to get this glorious experience, and you will say, "The half has never yet been told."

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Eradication of the Old Man Through Faith

Today, we look at eradication of the old man. This is not suppression of carnal traits, it is there destruction. Unsanctified Christians suppress carnal traits whereas sanctified Christians have had the carnal traits removed. The sanctified Christian guards himself from attacks without, but the unsanctifed Christian has attacks from both inside and out. Faith is the key to the eradication of the old man after a complete and total consecration.


God's plan provides for the eradication of the old man from the heart. After the great battle of consecrating to God, or a complete dying out, comes the all-important battle of faith. If Satan and the old man can defeat the believer here, the battle for holiness is lost. At this point they do their most shrewd, cunning, and successful work in many lives. Only by faith can a soul be delivered from carnality. Some one has said: "Your faith is the king bolt; let it join you to Christ."

What is sanctifying faith? It is a simple act of venturing trust, a wholehearted confidence, a restful reliance on the Word of God which enables one to say from the heart, "The precious blood of Jesus, the Lamb of God, does now cleanse me from all inward sin." "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." In the Word, we find that God is a Father to His children. He has the great, loving Father-heart. He has given us the Atonement at the greatest sacrifice ever made. Jesus loves the Church, and has given Himself that He might sanctify it. Our God has all wisdom, love and power. As our Father, He is using all these attributes for our highest good and for His supreme glory. It is our highest good and for His greatest glory to eradicate the old man out of our hearts.
Remembering that God is our Father, that He seeks our highest good and His greatest glory, that He has made full provision for our entire sanctification, that we can glorify Him supremely only when we are perfected in love -- remembering this gives us faith to seek Him for the cleansing of our hearts. Faith is generated in his heart, as the seeking, abandoned believer goes to the Word. Seeking only the glory of God, the heart is in a receptive state to receive the Word. There is, perhaps, no promise more precious to the seeking believer than this: "If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?" -- Luke 11: 13.

It is God's will that we be sanctified, that the old man be rooted out of our hearts -- Eph. 1:4. He commands us to be holy. -- l Pet. 1:15, 16. He promises to make us holy. -- l Thess. 5:23, 24. Jesus prayed that we might have this experience. -- John 17. He died to sanctify us -- Heb. 13:12. It is necessary for the greatest glory of God. -- John 15:8. Entire sanctification gives us a holy heart now in this present life. -- Gal. 2:20. "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." There is no more needy time than when a believer is seeking to have the old man eradicated. Go to the Word. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal it to your heart, so that faith may be generated to take hold upon God

Many stumble over the very simplicity of faith. Turning aside from all theological definitions of faith, the definition of the poor washerwoman is simplicity itself: "Faith is taking God at His word, and asking no questions." There are, usually, two classes of seekers. (1) Those who have the great fight in consecrating or dying out. As a rule these have little conflict with faith. They seem to believe automatically. There is not the mighty conflict with faith that the other class
has. (2) Those who readily and quickly consecrate or die out, but have their battle when it comes to exercising faith. Often those who have strong reasoning power, who like to study things out, to see through things with their powers of intellect, have a great battle in believing. Also those who have had their faith more or less paralyzed because they have professed several times, and yet have not obtained the experience. Satan fights with all his fiendish and hellish power to defeat these souls. Added to this is the power of the old man, who does not want to die. If faith can be defeated, these souls will never get through. All the powers of darkness and hell are turned loose to defeat the exercise of faith. A perfect consecration, or dying out, does not sanctify the heart. Never! Never! Never! Only the blood of Jesus can do this. Such souls need encouragement, need to let the Word take root in their hearts. Often they go round and round over their consecration until they have a well-beaten path around the ground of abandonment. But they will never get the experience of holiness till they advance from the ground of dying out to the ground of faith. They must deliberately choose to believe. They must run every lying witness Out of their hearts, and honor God by a simplicity of faith. Such faith is great because of its simplicity. God is love. He is just and holy. To His hungry child, He will not give a stone for bread. Never! Press through! Faith is not a struggle, though a struggle may come first. Faith is a rest. It is not straining every muscle to try to reach a rope about two inches above our reach. No! It is a rest. A sweet rest! A glorious rest!

"Faith being the exercise of the power we possess to believe God's Word, it is a voluntary act. The soul must recognize that it can believe; must choose to believe; must say, 'I will believe,' and persistently reckon pardon or purity its own on God's word, in the face of every temptation of doubt, arising from any source whatever . . . . At every stage in seeking the Lord there is either defeat in believing Satan or victory in believing Jesus."

A great soul-winner has said: "Doubling souls awaken the deepest sympathy in me, having myself long suffered from this cause until Jesus wrought a complete cure. To such, I have a special mission. 'I know not what it is to doubt; my heart is ever gay.' This assurance has not been interrupted for one moment for five years."
One describes his battle of faith thus: "I had expected that some wonderful manifestation would follow. But I was shut up to faith -- naked faith in a naked promise. I then took the advanced ground of confession. Giving God the glory due to his name I exclaimed: 'Through thy grace alone I have been enabled to give myself wholly and forever to thee. Thou hast given thy word, assuring me that thou dost receive. I believe that word! Alleluia! Glory be to the Holy Spirit forever!' Oh, into what a region of light, glory and purity was my soul at this moment ushered! I felt that I was but as a drop in the ocean of infinite love, and Christ was all in all."

Another had been having a great struggle in the battle of faith. His heart was set to believe God. The struggle did not end the first day. He walked about saying, "I will believe!" "I will believe!" He says, "With such a persistent determination of faith I retired. The next morning before I arose it occurred to me to thank God for the blessing as a thing received. I began to do it, when speedily the Spirit came to bring the witness that God is true. A tide of joy swept through my soul and I cried out, 'O bless the Lord! Praise the Lord! He does come and fill my soul!' From that hour my life has been consciously changed."

The only way to receive the experience of Entire Sanctification is to have the old man eradicated by exercising a simple faith in the Atonement.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Consecration or Dying Out

Today, we revisit consecration. This is the human side of entire sanctification. An imperfect consecration can lead to a presumed holiness which will result in the believer eventually dismissing the doctrine of entire sanctification as either impossible to obtain, or reducing its effects on the Christian.


Before one can exercise a heart-faith for entire cleansing, there must be a complete consecration or dying out. The Holy Spirit is the great Lover of Jesus. He is doing His utmost to lead the believers into the glorious experience of entire sanctification.

According to General Booth, "Entire consecration has in it the nature of a real sacrifice. Consecration is being crucified with Christ; it means dying to all those pleasures and gratifications which flow from the undue love of self, etc., . . . . This may be painful; but we must be crucified with Christ."
"The essence of consecration is to recognize that God is our absolute proprietor; that we are nothing, have nothing, and that we gladly let God take all for time and eternity."

'And be not conformed to this world.' Here is that dying to the world in its customs, laws, fashions, maxims, pleasures, honors, etc., that rounds up and fills out the consecration that the apostle is urging upon the 'brethren.' There are many things that are lawful and not morally wrong which we have to die out to, before we can get the blessing of sanctification."

"The Scriptures do not speak of consecrating ourselves to 'the church,' or 'to a work,' as so many say; but entire commitment of our all 'to the Lord,' and only to him."

One who was seeking says: "I examined myself and prayed more earnestly, but the hunger of my soul grew more imperious. The inward craving increased. The result of these weeks of heart-throes was a gradual sinking of self, and a consciousness of utter emptiness. Then arose an unutterable longing 'to be filled.'"

"It (the baptism with the Holy Spirit) is God's wondrous grace, conferred gladly when we comply with the conditions, one of which is the absolute surrender of our WILL about EVERYTHING. Anything else would be like surrendering the whole body to the doctor -- all but one limb, which had a cancer. Ask Jesus to take possession of all."

"After a bitter experience, and terrible contest, and deepest conviction, I was enabled to yield all to the Lord, and He filled my soul with Himself."

Like Abraham was tested to the limit when God told him to take his only son, Isaac, whom he loved, and offer him as a sacrifice, so in our dying out God strikes at the things we most love. Some have to go through the death of giving up big churches and large salaries, some have to die out to prestige, some to loved ones, some to finances, some must die out to secular work and become willing to preach, etc. Others are led to "drag out by frequent and deep confessions, one by one, as did the saintly Fletcher, the manifestations of the old man." Anger, pride, self-will, impatience, fear of man, revenge, etc., all must be dragged out, confessed and repented of as God reveals them to the heart. The confessing and repenting of these things break up the fallow ground of the heart, humble the soul before God, reveal to the heart its utter helplessness, and drive it to the refuge of Jesus. After the fight of consecration or dying out, comes the great battle of faith, which is to be studied in the next chapter.

"O God, my heart doth long for Thee, Let me die, let me die;
Now set my soul at liberty,
Let me die; let me die

To all the trifling things of earth, They are to me of little worth, My Savior calls, I'm going forth, Let me die, let me die.
"Thy slaying power in me display, Let me die, let me die;
I must be dead from day to day, Let me die, let me die;

Unto the world and its applause,
To all the customs, fashions, laws,
Of those who hate the humbling cross, Let me die, let me die.

"Oh, I must die to scoffs and jeers, Let me die, let me die;
I must be free from slavish fears, Let me die, let me die,

So dead that no desire shall rise To pass for good, or great, or wise, In any but my Savior's eyes.
Let me die, let me die.

"Begin at once to drive the nail, Let me die, let me die.
Oh, suffer not my heart to fail, Let me die, let me die.

Jesus, I look to Thee for power,
To help me to endure this hour, When crucified by sovereign power,
I shall die, I shall die."

Monday, September 23, 2019

Death Route Dodgers

Don't be a death route dodger!


It is nothing new for carnal leaders (official and non-official -- elected, or self appointed) in holiness churches, to drive pastors away and the Holy Ghost also, because of their bitter hatred of true "death-route" holiness. When preaching gets "under the skin" of controlling personalities, and they fear being "snowed under" and exposed, it is a dead giveaway that they have never settled the matter of the crucifixion and the sanctification of their own hearts.


However, the whole picture changes when official members backslide to the point that their preachers try to avoid persecution by being careful to never "dig anyone out" or "snow anyone under" as they used to. The most bitter opposition that ever comes to a true preacher of holiness, comes from those who have never paid the price for a truly sanctified heart, and never intend to. St. Paul faced this problem when dealing with the church at Galatia, for he asked them; "Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" (Gal. 4:16). Any and every preacher that comes out clear and strong against the sins and carnal traits of which the people of his congregation are guilty, will suffer persecution from the hands of light rejecters. Preachers that have learned to appease and soothe carnality are on the devil's payroll and not Christ's!

T. E. Verner had it exactly right when he wrote: "As long as a pastor is true to God, he is the greatest man on earth. But when he lets down and fails to hold up the standard of righteousness, he is an enemy of God and the people...I know a preacher without the Holy Ghost is a failure." [21]


Any preacher on earth who preaches a false holiness, denying the death to self, is just as much an enemy of true Scriptural holiness as the one who flatly denies the holiness doctrine altogether. And, furthermore, if he does not believe in the crucifixion of self, it is a positive proof that he does not have the experience of true, Bible holiness in his own heart. He has never been crucified, which is the only Bible way to be wholly sanctified. If he had the blessing of holiness, he would not oppose the Scriptural way of obtaining it.

All ministers who are opposed to the crucifixion of self are preaching a perverted gospel, under Christ's banner, but under Satan's supervision. They definitely are Satan's ministers. What saith the Word? "For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works" (2 Cor. 11:13, 15).


St. Paul and the Corinthians had trouble with Satan's ministers upsetting the people with a perverted gospel. Paul told the people of the church not to be surprised when Satan's ministers do as Satan did -- transforming themselves into apostles of Christ, and thereby deceiving the people.

Paul had no less trouble with the Christians in Galatia. He seemed surprised that they were so soon removed from the true gospel to a perverted gospel (Gal. 1:6, 7). In verse eight it is clear that someone was preaching a perverted gospel, switching the people off the right track. Paul told them in verse ten that he could not preach to please men and remain a servant of Christ. In other words, should he do so wickedly as to preach to please carnal and sinful people, he could not be the servant of Christ and would, thereby, become a servant of Satan -- one of Satan's preachers.

This means that every preacher in the world who knowingly and purposely shies away from Scriptural "death-route" holiness is preaching a perverted gospel, to please carnal people, and he is one of Satan's ministers.

This being true, Satan has always had far more ministers, preaching his perverted interpretation of the gospel, than Christ has preaching the truth. And without any question, there will be many more preachers in hell, than in heaven (Matt. 7:13-14).


Death dodgers are found in every realm. Someone referring to physical death, humorously remarked, "If I knew where I was to die, I never would go near the place!" One may smile at that, but seriously, that is exactly what the majority of professed Christian laymen, preachers, officials, executives, high and low, have done with respect to the death of their own carnal self. They shied away from their own execution. They are like the unsanctified Peter before Pentecost. He would sail into ecstasy on the Mount of Transfiguration (Matt. 17:4), but the very thought of crucifixion turned him off (Matt. 16:21-23).

Sunday, September 22, 2019

12th Bible Study: Wherein?

Today’s lesson comes from the book of Malachi, the last book in the Old Testament. Remember a remnant had returned from captivity. Under the leadership of Haggai and Zechariah they had rebuilt the Temple. Sixty years later, Ezra came to reestablish the nation. Thirteen years later, Nehemiah came and rebuilt the wall. In Malachi’s time, the Jews had been home about one hundred years, cured from idolatry, but prone to neglect the house of God. Sacrifices had become inferior, not offering the best animals. Priests had become lax. Tithes were neglected. The Jews had become spiritually lethargic. Malachi tells them that Messiah will come again, but when He comes it would also mean Judgment.

The first section is “I Have Loved You.” Malachi tells the people that the LORD loves them. Their response is “wherein,” have you loved us? The people wanted proof. God refreshes their memory like a courtroom lawyer calling their attention to Jacob and Esau. God created a covenant relationship with the descendants of Jacob. He preserved them and proved His love for them over and over. Yes, there was discipline for the sins of the people, but God never ceased to love them. Some people, even today, are quick to blame God for every misfortune in their lives, but never acknowledge His goodness to them for the good things in their life. The section ends with an assurance that the people will see and say, “The LORD will be magnified from the border of Israel.” This is a good place to stop and thank the LORD for the good things in your life and to express thankfulness to Him.

The second section is “Where is Mine Honor?” The first “wherein” professed ignorance of God’s love. This “wherein” professes ignorance of transgression. The priests were blind to God’s love, and blind to their own guilt. God then gives them a refresher course in what are acceptable offerings. The people were not offering God their best, but instead sick and diseased animals. The people developed a careless attitude regarding the things of God. Although we need not offer sacrifices today because of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice, we can become careless about our Christian walk. Do you read and study your Bible every day? How is your prayer life? Do we offer God second best or do we give Him our best? Will you give God the dregs of our time, strength, means or will you give Him our very best? The priests had compromised their thinking and regrettably today, many of our ministers and evangelists have done the same. We need men and women of God to proclaim Biblical truth, to call sin, sin, and quit making sinners feel comfortable in our gatherings. True love is telling them their house is on fire and they need to be saved and sanctified.

The third section is “My Name Shall Be Great.” It May be difficult to accept, but many times we are responsible for God’s displeasure. Our offerings today are not animals, but instead ourselves. People today in every place may freely worship because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The lesson closes on a bright note. While the priests and people of Malachi’s day were disrespectful and disobedient, there would come a time when God’s name would be honored throughout the world. This prophetic view of the future revealed the birth of the Christian faith and the spread of the gospel. We are living proof that the words of Malachi were truth.

The Golden Text is Malachi 2:17: “Ye have wearied the LORD with your words. Yet ye say, Wherein have we wearied him?” Let us this day give God our best in everything we do it. Let it not be said of us, that we wearied the LORD.

Next week the last lesson in this series on the Minor Prophets: “The Lord, Whom Ye Seek.”

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Scriptural Examples of the Death Route


Dead men are worth their weight in gold! The Scriptures abound with examples of great souls of the past who took the "death-route" to their complete subjugation, and the total enthronement of God in their lives.

Job, of old, had a death-to-self experience with God. He declared: "Though he [God] slay me, yet will I trust him" (Job 13:15). Job had just lost his health and all of his enormous wealth. He also lost his ten children. He had just dug ten new graves and held a multiple funeral. If he had not been dead to his family, his possessions, his health and even to life itself, as well as the hard-to-understand providence of God, he would never have so triumphantly manifested such a courageous spirit in the midst of such soul-rending grief. Weaker souls by the multitudes followed their wives' or their husbands' advice and cursed God and died (Job 2:9).

When God told Abraham to offer Isaac as a burnt offering, he was talking to a dead man. If the old carnal Abram of the past had been yet alive, he would have balked. He might have asked Sarah about it, and she might have talked him out of it. Abraham was three days and three nights on that journey to Mt. Moriah to offer Isaac. He had ample time to think it over and back out, but he was resolute. Abraham had not always been so completely dead to self. He had fumbled and "blew it" enough times, but by this time he had gotten settled and God could trust him.

Hardly will one find more profound words outside of the Scriptures than these from the pen of an anonymous poet:

"Thus in Thine Arms of Love, O God, I lie,
Lost, and for ever lost to all but Thee.
My happy soul, since it hath learned to die,
Hath found new life in Thine Infinity."

St. Paul was a dead man -- dead, dead, dead! He was dead when his dearest friends wept and clung to him, begging him not to go up to Jerusalem. They knew that he would be imprisoned and possibly murdered, and they would never see his face again in this world. He responded with words that have echoed and re-echoed across the intervening centuries: "What mean ye to weep and to break mine heart? For I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus" (Acts 21:13).

Stephen was a dead man when he preached that memorable sermon recorded in Acts, chapter seven, and paid for it with his life. He was dead long before they killed him. He had experienced his own personal crucifixion, and he was filled with the Holy Ghost and faith (Acts 6:5).

Back in the Old Testament era again: Daniel was a dead man. So were the three Hebrew children who would not worship the king's image (Daniel 3:16-18).

Jonah was not a dead man. He did finally obey God, but it took three days in the stomach of the fish, with the certainty that he had better come to terms with God or he would never get out of that prison. Even after he so reluctantly obeyed, things didn't turn out as he desired, so he had a carnal spell, and pouted, and said he didn't want to live any longer (4:1-3). The carnal nature is so hateful! No wonder Martin Luther said, "I fear the pope of self more than the Pope of Rome."

Neither was Balaam a dead man; nor was Demas, nor King Saul, nor millions of others like them. "Remember," said G. D. Watson, "Conversion is a birth and sanctification is a death." [10] The old carnal self must die! Death to self is the only way one can come fully alive unto God. Preach it, brethren, preach it, preach it, preach it! None of us is worth a wooden nickel for God until we are dead -- dead -- dead! Dead men and dead women are the only people God can count on.

"Were the whole realm of nature mine,
That were a present far too small;
Love so amazing, so divine,
Demands my soul, my life, my all!"

Friday, September 20, 2019

A Path to Apostasy

From “Scriptural Death Route Holiness,” we read:

Anything less than the crucifixion of self, is, in essence, rebellion against God, because either Christ or self will reign in every life. When self demands control, then Christ backs off (Luke 14:26). He will not play “second fiddle.” Self on the throne is humanism—self worship. Humanism, which, in essence is rebellion against God, leads directly into witchcraft and the occult, because Samuel said, “rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft...” (1 Samuel 15:23). Carrying this analogy a step farther: the spirit of self-worship, which places self before God, is the spirit of Antichrist. When self is elevated, Christ is lowered.

Thus, carnality leads from rebellion to humanism; from humanism to witchcraft; from witchcraft to apostasy; and from apostasy to eternal damnation. This coincides with the reasoning which led the preachers of the early holiness movement to preach “holiness or Hell”—an emphasis which the more liberal holiness advocates will no longer accept.

The humanist says, “I can do all things through the latent powers within me, once those powers are released.” The Christian says, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Phil. 4:13). Therefore, the crucifixion of sell is the only absolute safeguard against humanism, witchcraft and eventual apostasy. When one shies away willfully from the crucifixion of self, he invites self-worship and is on the road to humanism, witchcraft, apostasy and finally eternity in the fires of hell, without God and without hope forever.

One of the goals of this blog is to preach the truth about holiness because I know that most churches do not preach this message. Sadly, humanism is alive and prospering in most assemblies Sunday morning. We can stop humanism if we are willing to stand for truth. We must preach holiness, live holiness, and while we still have time, proclaim it from the housetops.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Scriptural Death Route Holiness

One of the most important books I have ever read other than the Bible is L.S. Boardman's "Scriptural Death Route Holiness." It was written to explain the necessity of taking the "death route" in seeking to be sanctified holy. I am starting a study of this book online and invite those that are interested in studying with me to contact me. I have 5 copies of the book that I am giving away free to those who wish to walk with me. However, be advised, this is not "fluff" reading. The book can be very convicting. Today, we look at several quotes from the book.

There are many and varied brands of holiness people in the world today. There is but one brand of holy people. The true, holy people are they, who have experienced the eradication of the carnal nature with the purifying of the heart in holy love. They believe this truth because the Bible so clearly teaches it, and because they have gone that route themselves in personal experience. They do not believe that suppression is God's ideal plan for dealing with the carnal nature in man. They did practice suppression before they were sanctified wholly (at least we hope they did!) but when they became sanctified they no longer had that carnal problem -- that is -- not as long as they walked with God and retained the blessing of a pure heart.

One must understand at the outset what is meant by the term "death-route." People will never agree on any subject when they define their terms differently. Some of the strongest hostilities to "death-route" Christianity come from people who misunderstand what we mean by the term.

It certainly is deplorable for one to degrade a Biblical teaching as vital as is "death-route" holiness, and do an untold amount of damage to the cause of true holiness, simply because one does not understand what is meant by the term.

By the term "death-route" we mean, taking our stand against carnality and turning over every revealed carnal trait to the Holy Ghost, for its slaying. Carnal traits, however, are not crucified one at time. They are surrendered (died out to) one at a time, under the searching light of the Holy Spirit, when one is seeking a sanctified heart. Then, when the Holy Spirit strikes the death blow to one's corrupt nature, all of the carnal traits are destroyed in one master stroke of divine power. Thus, the heart is purified and made perfect in the holy love of God which is shed abroad in the heart by the Holy Ghost (Rom. 5:5). Only dead people fully live -- dead to self and alive unto God!

Our son, Charles R. (Chuck) Boardman says, "For twenty-five years I have defined the 'Death-route' as the divine pathway through which God leads the seeking soul."

"Break off the yoke of inbred sin,
And fully set my spirit free:
I cannot rest till pure within,
Till I am wholly lost in Thee."

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

A Last Look at the Children of the Old Man

We could spend many more days looking at the different children of the old man. If you spend any time in a local church, you will see many more of his offspring. I'm so thankful that there is an answer to the carnality problem. The old man is to be eradicated not suppressed. If you see evidence of the old man in your life, the postings on this blog provide you clear steps to enter into a walk of holiness. Don't live a moment longer with the old man in your life.


To describe all the children of father Old Man would be impossible within the compass of this book. As far as we know, there is no compiled list of his children, but there are certain groups of similar traits. Shall we notice a few of these?

The children that appeal to the flesh, among whom are these sons and daughters of Mr. Old Man: Adultery (often only in the heart), Fornication, Uncleanness, Lasciviousness, Lust, Dance, Glutton, etc. These children work on the human heart and body. Through the influence of their activity, man gives way to the flesh. Evil imaginations are welcomed, overeating is indulged in which tends to stir up the animal in man, and often tobacco, cigarettes, and strong drink are freely used. These influences have a tendency to inflame the human heart as described by Jesus in Mark 7:21-23. From these things we turn with loathing. Only God can save the human heart from them.

The children of father Old Man who appeal to the tongue, among whom we note some sons and daughters: Scandal, Sarcasm, Evil Speaker, Backbiter, Whisperer, False Witness, Discord Sower, Tattler, Long Tongue, Murmurer, Grumbler, Mocker, Criticiser, Gossiper, Liar, Blasphemer, Curser, Big Ear, etc., etc. All these are carrying on their pernicious work to the intense delight of their father, Mr. Old Man, and grandfather, Mr. Satan. They wreck homes, blast lives, divide churches, kill reputations, populate hell, etc.

The egotistical children, among whom may be mentioned sons and daughters as follows: Boasters, Self-sufficiency, Self-righteousness, Heady, High-mindedness. These with many others carry on their share of the work of damning souls. They are proud of their attainments. They are so wise that they think the Bible is out of date. What cannot be proved by human reason is, to them, to be rejected. This leads man into Evolution, Higher Criticism, Rationalism, Deism, Infidelity, Modernism, etc.
Among the more refined (?) children, we find such sons and daughters as: Love of Creature, Love of Self, Love of Style, Love of the World, Love of Popularity, Love of Pomp, Splendor of Life, Haughtiness, Worldly Conformity, Touchiness, Peevishness, Carnal Cunning, Ingratitude, Guile, Sensitiveness, Self-glory, Evil Suspicion, Pride of Life, Self-pity, Vanity, Carnal Ambition, Conceit, Arrogance, etc. All these are working as faithfully for the interests of hell as are the children Anger, Adultery, Murder, Blasphemy, Deceit, etc.

Among the "love of money" children are such sons and daughters as: Covetousness, Greed, Miser, Extortioner, Thief, Cruelty, Oppression, Hardheaded, No Pity, Evil Eye, Betrayer, Love of Gain, etc. All these are faithful workers for the advancement of sin.
Among the mulish sons of Mr. Old Man we find: Stubbornness
Rebellion Obstinacy Hard-head Self-will Contrariness Inflexibility etc.
All these are doing a great work.

Among the children of uncertainty, we find such sons and daughters as: Doubt, Bondage, Question Mark, Discouragement, Wavering, Weakness, etc. These children are very active in the interests of their father and grandfather. Satan is well pleased with their work unless they go too far. If they go too far, it will reveal the presence of the Old Man. Satan does not want to do this lest those who are troubled with these children should go to a camp meeting or a revival and have Mr. Old Man put to death.

Among the indolent children we find such sons and daughters as: Sloth, Indolence, Laziness, Slowpoke, Love of Sleep, Love of Ease, etc. These children are all successful in aiding father Old Man in his destructive campaign against godliness.
Time would fail us to go on and describe all of the children of father Old Man. This is a suggestive study. You may continue it to the profit of yourself and others.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

More Children of the Old Man: Triplets

We continue looking at carnality in all its forms. These lessons demonstrate why the old man and all his children must die, die, die! Praise God that the blessed Holy Ghost will crucify the old man when we meet the conditions of entire consecration and faith in Jesus Christ.


In our study of the Old Man's children, let us now have the pleasure (?) of meeting Miss Impatience, Mr. Provocation, and Mr. Vengeance. These three children are robust members of this carnal family. You are so well acquainted with them that you will need no introduction. However, let us study some of their most prominent characteristics.

Miss Impatience is noted for her murmuring and fretful spirit, her lack of meekness, long-suffering, gentleness and submission. She is short on forbearance with others. It is hard for her to suffer long and be kind. Her calmness of spirit is disturbed in trials and tests. She is short-winded on endurance. She is not inclined to undergo persecutions with sweetness of spirit. Those who try her are liable to receive the benefit of her rasping tongue. The children in the home, the neighbors, or even the cats and dogs, etc., are not to be blamed for wishing that Miss Impatience would go to an old-fashioned camp meeting and die. What a blessing if she would only let God transform the wolf of impatience into the lamb of patience. Jesus has said: "In your patience possess ye your souls." How important, therefore, that Miss Impatience be electrocuted, and Miss Patience be brought to life.

Mr. Provocation, the second of the triplets, is noted for his resentment, his anger, his irritating words and actions. He is quick to take affronts, is easily insulted, is touchy. If not handled with due consideration, he goes up the miff tree. When pouting, he often becomes very aggravating right in the midst of church work. It is sad to see him have his spells right in the home, or prayer meeting, or board meeting, or camp meeting, etc. In having his spells, he may either give way to bitterness, sarcasm and insolence, or he may grow sullen, grouchy or stubbornly silent -- reminding one of an old balking mule -- or on the other hand he may be puffed up, swelling out with importance, and strut around with self-important airs.

His name must head the list. He must be asked to play or sing or preach or have the most important place or position. You will find him in nearly every home, and church, and camp meeting, and assembly. Woe to those who do not handle Mr. Provocation with the proper gloves of honor and dignity. It is hard for him to take reproof even when given kindly. He must be given the best bed, the best food, the easiest and cleanest work. He must never be slighted, or crossed in his plans, or asked to do anything beneath his dignity. To find out more about this son of the Old Man turn to the list of things that revealed Mr. Anger in a former .

The last of these triplets is Mr. Vengeance. He is certainly a hale and hearty son of Mr. Old Man. Under provocation his heart is inflamed with a desire for retaliation. He gets this passion of heart, this sinful inflammation, from his father. He has a strong inclination to get even with others. When his heart is inflamed with this desire, he is liable to go to any lengths to satisfy his provoked heart. Some have wrecked property, or killed their neighbor's stock. Others have robbed people of their good reputation, have spitefully planned to wreck lives and homes and even churches. Others have gone to the diabolical extreme of taking life, have committed the most atrocious murders. Only the eradication of inbred sin can fully remove this condition from the human heart.

Monday, September 16, 2019

More Children of the Old Man: Jealousy and Envy

We continue to look at more children of the old man. With all the problems these children cause, you would think that entire sanctification would be preached in every sermon! It was remarked about me, that if I was preaching on the flowers of the Bible, I would work holiness into the message. To which I responded, "Yes, I would!"


You certainly want to get introduced to Mr. Old Man's next daughter, Miss Envy Jealousy. She has certain prominent traits by which she may be distinguished from her various sisters. You will notice a very greenish cast in her eyes. She is grieved over the happiness and success of others. She is absolutely unable to love others as herself. In fact, she calls that rank fanaticism. She selfishly begrudges the enjoyment of those around her. She is unfriendly toward those who are prospering and are exalted to higher positions than she can attain. She cherishes a hearty ill will toward these. She has a very strong feeling of ill will against those who are intruding upon what she calls her rights. This ill will frequently leads to hatred, wrath and even murder. In the further study of this, you will learn more about Miss Envy Jealousy.

Strange to say of one of such character, Miss Envy Jealousy is a great churchgoer, and like her brothers and sisters is found not only in the pew, but also in the pulpit. She fills any office in the realm of the church, from the very lowest office of the local church to the highest office of the general connection. She is very busy in the interests of her father, Mr. Old Man, and of her grandfather, Mr. Devil. It would be hard to find a more loyal daughter than she. By her good (?) reputation in the church she can the more easily carry out the plans of her relatives and work havoc to the cause of God.

She is very wise in her work. Being such an apt mixer, she causes many compromises in the church. Preacher Man-fear Is afraid to resist her. And even Sliding Elder, Love-of-praise, must often bow to her tyranny to hold his place of popularity She is strongly opposed to preachers who preach the Word. When the Word is preached in the power of the Spirit she often gets restless, turns pale, and often even faints. At these times Dr. Delusion must give her strong opiates of false security to keep her from realizing her true condition. As you can imagine, she is radically opposed to and cruelly persecutes those who preach a salvation that saves to the uttermost.

Regardless of her strongest protests, we will study her character as revealed in the Word of God. And the first charge that we bring against this daughter of the Old Man is that she caused the sufferings and death of Jesus upon the cross. The chief priests hated Jesus' because they thought the people were turning to Him. Mark 15:10 says of them, "For he (Pilate,) knew that the chief priests had delivered him (Jesus) for envy." Envy leads to murder. Any heart that envies may, under certain provocations, commit the most cold-blooded murders known to man.

Let churches take warning. Miss Envy Jealousy is causing confusion, strife, divisions, etc., that are blasting the life of the church. "Where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work." No wonder that we have so much strife, so many divisions, so much confusion, so
much evil work." Of too many it might be said, "The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy." Let us give good heed to the exhortation: "Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another." The Word says of such, "For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal . . . . ?" Oh, that we would take warning from the counsel of God. "Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous; BUT WHO IS ABLE TO STAND BEFORE ENVY?" Yea, "Envy is as the rottenness of the bones." Is it any wonder that this "rottenness of the bones" is causing such a stench in the nostrils of purity? This picture is enough to turn one's stomach. Right in the church, envy, "the rottenness of the bones", in all its loathsomeness is generating the stench of hell. No wonder Paul wrote the church at Corinth: "For I fear . . . lest there be debates, envyings, wraths, strifes, backbitings, whisperings, swellings, tumults." "For jealousy is the rage of a man.

Some things that reveal the presence of Miss Envy Jealousy. True statements from testimonies:
Envious or jealous of others OVER THEIR
Living in town Beautiful hands Leadership
Name coming first Experience
Having means to travel Being invited to a home Standing with the boss Pastor

Call to work
Prosperity in wickedness
Beautiful homes
Being mother's pet
Standing in the church, home, or society Short dresses
Boy or girl friend
Good position
Money and ease
Curly hair, beauty, fine clothes
(And just dozens more!)

Some of the brothers and sisters of Miss Envy Jealousy:
Murder Hatred Adultery Malice Fornication Backbiting Cruelty Drunkenness

Sunday, September 15, 2019

11th Bible Study: King Over All the Earth

Today’s lesson comes from Zechariah chapter 14. This chapter starts with Judah’s struggle with the nations (verses 1-2) and ends with God’s victory and universal reign (verses 3-21). The passage speaks of the grand consummation of the prophetic dreams, the Day of the Lord’s return and the inauguration of His everlasting kingdom. Some scholars believe that when Jesus returns, He will literally make His throne on the Mount of Olives. We need to have an understanding of end times events. Not all Christians agree, but the following are the basis of many churches belief concerning the end times:
1. The rapture of the church (1 Thessalonians 4:16,17): believers are caught up in the air, both the living and those that died in the faith, to meet Jesus and go to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
2. With the church removed, a seven year tribulation period will begin. Things will become even worse on the earth, and the anti-Christ will emerge.
3. The entire world will turn on Israel and seek to destroy it.
4. Jesus comes again all the way back to earth, defeats the enemies of Israel, and establishes His kingdom for 1000 years, known as the Millennium.

The first part of the lesson is “All Nations Against Jerusalem.” The enemies of Israel will be initially successful. “The city shall be taken,” but not all the people are taken captive. One day the nations will turn against Israel. There seems to be an increasing anti-Israel sentiment in our country. This is significant because the USA has always been a staunch supporter of Israel. This has changed with the current President who is a strong supporter of the Jewish people, but many people including some elected officials dislike Israel. We should be watching how nations treat Israel because it is a good end times barometer.

The second section is “The Lord Shall Fight.”  Just when it looks like all is lost for Israel, King Jesus returns. The Lord actually fights against the nations (verse 3). Our churches today seem to over emphasize the loving, friendly, nurturing Jesus. While He is those things, He is also a fighter who will bring about the destruction of His enemies! It will take holiness of heart to be ready for the coming of the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 3:13 states: “To the end he may establish your hearts unblameable in holiness before God, even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints.” Jesus is coming back for a holy people. He will establish His kingdom with holy people. What He has promised to do, He will complete. We must remember that when things look the darkest, God is still on the throne and His light will conquer the darkness.  When it seems inevitable that darkness will set in, then God brings forth the light. (Psalm 112:4)

The third section is “The Lord Shall Be King.” When it appears that the enemy will triumph, the Lord goes forth and fights. He wins and establishes His Kingdom. In that day, there will be only one Lord. (Verse 9) There will be no competing religions, no idols to be worshipped, tolerance of false religions will be over. There will be no more destruction in the land. This will be the beginning of the 1000 year reign of Christ on earth.

The Golden Text is: “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.” Revelation 11:15 That is shouting ground!

My summary points:
1. There are times that it looks like the enemy will win. Don’t be discouraged because the Lord is ready to fight for you.
2. The Lord Jesus Christ is coming back for a holy people. It is His will that we be holy, and through His divine action He can make us Holy when we meet His conditions.
3. Our Lord will triumph. No matter how bad things at times may look, we have a sure hope that Jesus will one day ultimately rule on the earth.

Next week’s lesson: Wherein?”

Don’t forget to read the Sunday School Beacon to be encouraged.