Thursday, April 22, 2021

Hebrew versus Greek Thinking Part 2

Yesterday we looked at the difference between a Greek worldview versus a Hebrew

worldview. This is an important distinction; we want to adopt a Hebrew point of view

when it comes to living our lives as a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.


The Greek view is based on knowledge; have you heard the expression "knowledge is

power?" While there is some truth to the expression, the Hebrew view is based on

practice. While the Greek view goes to work on your mind, that is your mental

understanding, the Hebrew view is simply the call to be obedient. Success is based on

obedience and practice. Joshua 1: 8 instructs the reader: "This book of the law shall not

depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest

observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way

prosperous." The word "meditate" means to mutter, that is, to speak. You are to make

your Biblical confessions day and night; they should be on your lips throughout the day

as you are able. Why? Simple; because then you will prosper (this means to be a success

and who doesn't want to be a success?).


Today's word says to be obedient to the Word (Joshua 1:8) even if it doesn't make sense

to you or you don't see the results. Be a Hebrew in thought today and just be obedient

(don't worry; eventually your mind will catch up). Trust in the Sovereignty and Providence of God.

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