Tuesday, April 13, 2021

The State of the Church Part Six: Gender Identity is a Matter of Choice

 Transgenderism is very prominent and very vocal in our culture. The movement separates the concepts of sex and gender. Sex is biological. i.e. what you were born. Gender is a subjective feeling of being masculine or feminine. In general, a transgender person identifies with himself or herself opposite of their biological sex. The Bible says that God created human beings as male and female in His image (Genesis 1:27). The Scriptures teach that our behavior is to correspond with our biological sex (Deuteronomy 22:5; 1 Corinthians 11: 5-16). We cannot choose our biological sex anymore than you can choose to be a bird rather a human. You may think you are a bird, but if you decide to jump from the roof of your house, you will not fly. Your identification with being a bird will fall flat!

21% of US Evangelicals either somewhat or strongly agree with the statement that gender identity is a matter of choice. 38% of the general population somewhat or strongly agree that gender identity is a choice. 73% of US Evangelicals somewhat or strongly disagree that gender identity is a choice. 

We need the church to be clear about Biblical truths. Scripture teaches us that there are only two sexes: male or female. At the same time we speak truth, we must do so with love and compassion. If someone identifies with a sex different from their biological one, it could be the result of a brain disorder and they should receive the appropriate treatment. If the cause of the identification is willful rebellion against God's Word, they need to repent. Either way, our duty is to preach Biblical truth based on the clear meaning of Scripture. It is clear, there are only two sexes, male or female, and you don't get to choose.

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