Monday, April 12, 2021

The State of the Church Part Five: Abortion is a Sin

 Abortion is murder and murder is sin (Exodus 30:13; Rev. 21:8). "Murder is the unjust killing of a human being. Abortion is murder because abortion is the unjust killing of a human being." If you studied an embryology textbook at college, it would inform you that the fetus is a genetically distinct individual human being from the moment of conception. Conception is the beginning of the reproductive process. The fetus is not a potential life, but rather an actual genetically distinct human being. The fetus is the most defenseless human being and deserves our efforts to protect them from murder. Many of those who seek to defend abortion rights now claim that while the fetus is a human being (the science proves it), they deny that the fetus is a person. When the abortion rights activists argue this point, they place themselves among genocidal mass murderers of the past who have justified their killings by denying the personhood of those they killed.

The issue is not about a woman's right to choose concerning her body. The issue is choice between the life or death of another individual human being. When Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973, technology had not advanced to such a level to see how horrifying abortion truly is. 

80% of US Evangelicals strongly agree with the statement that abortion is sin. This is to be compared with 34% of the general population that believes abortion is sin. 7% of US Evangelicals either somewhat or strongly disagree with the statement that abortion is sin. 39% of the general population either somewhat or strongly disagree with the statement that abortion is sin. It amazes me that 5% of US Evangelicals are not sure if abortion is sin. Churches need to preach Biblical truth. Abortion is murder and if you assist someone to obtain an abortion, I believe that would be sin also. 

However, abortion is not the unpardonable sin. The blood still flows from Calvary and His grace is sufficient to cleanse and pardon those who have had abortions.  

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