Monday, April 19, 2021

The Sovereignty of God Part 1

 When the phrase is used, "the Sovereignty of God," I refer to the fact that God is supreme, subject to none, influenced by none, and that He may do as He pleases. To the true believer, this brings great joy and comfort. To the unbeliever, it brings feelings of angst and anger that God may do as He pleases without regard to his feelings. God is God and He is on His throne. He is the supreme Monarch and Absolute Authority. 

Every one that is truly saved recognizes the Sovereignty of God. You come to a place that you sign your own death warrant, confess your sins, and you stand before God knowing that you deserve hell. God can save you or damn you. However, this is not the "god" you hear about today from the pulpit. The "god" of the 21st century is a helpless, effeminate being whom man can push around and demand what he pleases. The "god" you hear about is a heavenly butler who is just waiting for you to tell him what you want him to do. In contrast, the God of the Bible is Sovereign, on the throne, doing as He pleases and directing our world according to His set plan and purposes to bring about His glory. Man is a grasshopper (Isaiah 40:22) and a worm in the dust (Isaiah 41:14). 

When I say God is Sovereign that means He is sovereign in the exercise of His power. Consider the following:

1. God delivered His people from the hand of Pharaoh, but He did not destroy the Amalekites and they would war from generation to generation (Exodus 17:16). 

2. God divided the Red Sea, gave manna for 40 years, brought water from a rock, caused the walls of Jericho to fall down, but the Israelites were required to take every other city by force in battle.

3. God delivered David from Goliath, Daniel from the lions den, the three Hebrew children from the fiery furnace, but the book of Hebrews details those believers who were scourged, imprisoned, stoned, sawn asunder, slain with the sword, and tormented without supernatural deliverance. 

4. Stephen was stoned for his testimony, but Peter was freed from prison by an angel.

Why the different treatment? The answer is God is Sovereign.

Jesus healed the cripple by the pool of Bethesda, but left the others there untouched by His healing hand. 

Why? God is Sovereign.

The true believer sees these events and rejoices that God is in charge of everything. That gives me great comfort If God desires me to suffer, then it is for His purposes and plans. It will bring about the greatest good. The unbeliever will see God's Sovereignty as arbitrary and rebel against Him. They will seek to control God. This is an error of the prosperity gospel. They believe they can command God. They believe they are "little gods." They are lost. If you don't know God's Sovereignty, then you don't know Him.


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