Wednesday, April 14, 2021

The State of the Church Part Seven: The Bible's Condemnation of Homosexual Behavior Doesn't Apply Today

 The fact that there are a growing number of professing Christians that support this statement demonstrates how many Christians have conformed to the world. Scripture consistently, in both the Old and New Testaments, condemn homosexual behavior. In Leviticus 18: 22, homosexual behavior is discussed between child sacrifice and bestiality. In Leviticus 20: 13, it is listed next to incest and bestiality as sins worthy of capital punishment. This shows how strongly opposed the Bible is to the practice of homosexuality. The continued condemnation of this practice is found in the New Testament in Romans 1: 26-27. Scripture calls homosexual behavior "a dishonorable passion, an unnatural relation, and a shameless act." The Apostle Paul states that those who practice homosexual behavior will not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor. 6:9-10).

It appears that some Christians are being deceived about homosexual practice. 18% of US Evangelicals agreed somewhat or strongly with the statement: "The Bible's condemnation of homosexual behavior doesn't apply today. 28% of black protestants agreed with the statement. 48% of Roman Catholics agreed with the statement. 43% of mainline protestants agreed with the statement. How can so many professing Christians agree with something the Bible forbids? The short answer is that the world is winning in the battle to win the church. Instead of the church winning the world, the world is winning the church.

Let me clear, we do not live in a theocracy. We don't throw stones. We don't discriminate. We show love and compassion just as we would to anyone in sin. The problem is though, we need to say that it is sin. How we can expect those in a homosexual lifestyle to hear the truth if true believers don't tell them? Homosexual sin is not the unforgiveable sin. But, it is sin. The true church needs to remember that.

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