Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Your Thought Life Part 3


Ever think you were having a really bad day? Maybe, there was a situation at work or a disagreement with a loved one or friend? The thoughts about the future began to drive you to a place of depression and discouragement. If so, there is some very important information that you need to know.


In the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus was facing an intense mental struggle. He knew what lied ahead: the cross, the rejection and the suffering. He wanted Peter and the 2 sons of Zebedee to watch with Him. Jesus prayed so hard that He sweated blood. The Son of God was facing death for your sins and mine. Nothing in our lives can ever come close to this type of stress.


How did Jesus handle His thoughts of impending suffering? Over the next several days we will look at how He did it and provide you a model to follow. Today, we should contemplate our Savior and what He did for us. We should confess His love for us and our love for Him:

"Dear Jesus, I confess today that your love for me is sometimes difficult to understand. Yet, I confess that you loved me enough to die for me. I confess that I love you. I acknowledge that at times it may not look like I love you but with my mouth I make the confession and dedicate to live my life for the next 24 hours demonstrating that love for you."


Now go walk the talk and if the enemy shows up, take out your Sword and fight the good fight of faith (and remember the fight is fixed and that is good news!).

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