Saturday, April 24, 2021

Your Thought Life Part 1

Thoughts can drive us to extremes if we allow them to. Every had something jump into
your head and the more you thought about it, the more upset you got? If we allow them
to, thoughts can wear us down and affect our health. John Wesley the founder of the
Methodist Church said that you could not stop a bird from flying over your head, but you
could stop it from building a nest in your hair. For us, this means that while we cannot
control every thought that pops into our head, we can control what we do with them.
When I was about 8 years old and walking to the bus stop, a bird would swoop down and
try to peck my head. Every day I grew more and more afraid to walk to the bus stop
because that bird was waiting for me. To this day I do not know why. I had not troubled
the bird or its nest in any way. It just was after me. Have you ever had someone just want
to come against you and you don't know why? If so, then you will understand what this
was like. I began to dread walking out of the house every day to go to school. I was very
fearful. Then, one day, my parents delayed going to work to watch me and when that bird
swooped down on me they were right there to protect me and that bird never bothered me
again. In a much better way, you have a Heavenly Father that will protect you and your
thoughts. He has given you His Word to protect you from others and to protect your mind
from fear and dread.  
This is very important to our health. Hebrews 12:3 says in instructing us to think about
what Jesus endured for us, the way He faced opposition and hostility: "so that you may
not grow weary or exhausted, losing heart and relaxing and fainting in your minds."
Amplified Bible
Today, protect your thought life by using the Word (that is by meditating i.e. that is to mutter, speaking the Word and confessing the Word) whenever something that pops into your mind that causes fear and dread. As my parents chased the bird away that attacked me, you chase the thoughts of fear and dread away and replace them with God's Word. Remember, the fight is fixed! You have to win!

Trust in the Sovereignty and Providence of God. I can protect my thought life as I remember what the Word says about our Heavenly Father. 

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