Thursday, April 29, 2021

Your Thought Life Part 5

We are looking at how Jesus dealt with stress and fear in the Garden of Gethsemane. We
saw yesterday that the first step to overcoming these negative thoughts was to watch.
Watching meant to meditate on the Word of God and speak it to yourself.
You may ask why this works; it works because faith is contained in the Bible (Romans
10:17). When the Word comes, faith comes. Picture the Word as a wheelbarrow; inside
the wheelbarrow is some faith. When the wheelbarrow shows up, the faith shows up.
What else is in that wheelbarrow of faith? Look inside and you will see healing,
prosperity (success not money), forgiveness, justification (being made right with God),
sanctification (being made to act, speak, look and walk like God remember He walked in
love and we are to walk as He walked I John 2:6) and everything you need to walk like
He walked during His earthly ministry.
When we can truly believe that the Bible is God speaking directly to us, we are making
ourselves ready to watch; we are "watching" for any thoughts that would conflict with the
Bible. Any thought that is in disagreement with the Word will be recognized and rejected
immediately and brought into subjection. We are now ready to go about our day
Today, take your wheelbarrow with you where ever you go; you are ready to face the
world! God is Sovereign and He is complete charge of what you will face.

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