Friday, April 9, 2021

The State of the Church Part 3: The Bible Has the Authority to Tell Us What We Must Do

 I am pleased to report that 83% of US Evangelicals strongly agree with the statement: The Bible has the authority to tell us what to do. 2% strongly disagree and 2% are not sure. The Apostle Paul writes to Timothy, "All Scripture is breathed out by God. (2 Timothy 3:16)The word translated "breathed out by God" is the Greek word theopneustos. It literally means "God breathed." The Bible is actually the words of God. God's Word has the authority to tell us what to do because God has the authority to tell us what to do. He is our Creator and Sustainer. 

I do not know how any real Christian could deny this statement. However, over the next few days we will look at what US Evangelicals think about sex outside of marriage, homosexual practice and marriage, abortion and transgender issues. Regrettably, you will read that many who claim to be Christians, have departed from the clear texts of the Bible. While the overwhelming percentage of Christians believe with today's topic, the majority will move away from this position when dealing with the cultural issues of the day.

What does this mean? It is my opinion that the world's opinions are replacing God's Words. The church must make a stand. I personally believe it may be too late for America. The judgment of God is coming. Yet, we that are to remain faithful, the remnant, must not shy away from the task before us. We must speak and live God's Words. We must preach against sin. We must preach holiness. Regardless of the consequences, it is better to be faithful to God than to fear men.


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