Friday, April 23, 2021

Hebrew Versus Greek Thinking Part 3

Yesterday we looked at the difference between Greek and Hebrew thinking. The Greek
wants to know why before he will act; the Hebrew wants simply to know what God wants
him to do so he can obey more completely. With this understanding, it will become clear
what Job's problem was; he consistently wanted to know why because his situation just
didn't make sense to him. By the end, Job repents for even asking and comes to a place of
submission to what God wants.
What does God want from you? Among other things, He wants His Word on your lips.
He wants you to guard your mouth and speak His Words and not words of fear, doubt and
unbelief. Have you noticed that God's Word is full of faith and not doubt? Doesn't that
give you a better appreciation of His character? Romans 10:17 reads, "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." He is a faith God and He wants His children to be faith children. Today, act like your Father and talk like Him (that means to say what He says about everything).

In addition, God wants you to trust in His Sovereignty and His Providence. Providence is how God weaves all things operating in your life together to bring about His perfect plan and will for your life. When things go wrong and it looks like things are against you, you should take comfort in that God has seen what you are going through before you did! That gives me great comfort that God is working everything together for His purposes. As a disciple of Jesus Christ, I know things may sometimes be difficult, but I can face those difficulties because I know He is working even if I don't see it. I don't want to be Greek in my worldview. I don't need to understand before I obey. I choose to obey and I trust my Sovereign God. What about you?

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