Monday, April 26, 2021

Your Thought Life Part 2

One of the ways that the enemy attacks you is through your thought life. Have you

noticed that sometimes in the midst of a conflict or just in every day life some thought

pops into your mind and you can't believe that you are thinking it? We need to recognize

that the thought of evil is not yours unless you accept it and begin to make it your own. It

is like a delivery service attempting to deliver a package to you that does not belong to

you. If you don't sign for it you don't receive it. Think of it this way: if the mailman

brings you a package and says, "Here is a box of dangerous snakes that I am to deliver to

you"; You are going to say, No way! I am not signing for those snakes get them outta

here!" In the same way, when a thought of evil (by thought of evil I mean any thing that

is not of faith see Number 13: 30-33) comes a knocking, you run it off with your faith and the Word of


 Have you allowed thoughts of evil to interfere with your relationships? Have you allowed

Satan to convince you that God doesn't really see you or care for you? Has a friendship or

relationship been impacted by evil thoughts from the enemy? Have these evil thoughts

affected how you conduct your daily walk? Don't despair because the Word will correct

the situation. The Word heals (Psalm 107:20) and will heal every situation you have.

Speak God's healing word today:

"God's Words are Spirit and life. God sent His Word to heal me. As I speak these

powerful words of God, healing takes place. There may be healing in my body, hopefully healing in my

relationships, help in my finances, and seeing God move in every area of my life. Healing means

to be restored to a place of peace where nothing is broken and nothing is missing. This is

my heritage of the Lord and I receive it today."

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