Sunday, April 4, 2021

Matthew Study One: He is Risen!

 NOTE: The final paragraph contains an argument that I have used against unbelievers to prove the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Today's lesson comes from Matthew 28: 1-10 and is entitled "He is Risen!" Before we begin the study, it is important to learn something about the book of Matthew. The book was written primarily for the Jews, establishing that Jesus was the Messiah, their King. It is the perfect book for a bridge between the Old Testament and the New Testament. The phrase, "that it might be fulfilled," occurs 14 times in relation to the Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah. There are 53 citations and 76 allusions to the Old Testament in this gospel.  Matthew structured his book on the account of Christ's life around five major discourses:

1. Sermon on the Mount (5:1-7:29);

2. The Commission of the Twelve (10:1-42);

3. Parables of the Kingdom (13:1-53);

4. The Meaning of Forgiveness (18: 1-35); and

5. The Olivet Discourse (24:1-25:46).

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is essential to the gospel message. If there is no resurrection, our faith is in vain. Jesus Christ served as the final sacrifice for our sins and our sin nature. His blood is sufficient to save us from our individual sins and our sinful nature. No further sacrifice is needed. The tomb is empty! Christ is risen!  

The first section is "The Tomb Opened." (v. 1-4) When we examine all the gospels, we see that at least four women visited the empty tomb on that first Easter Sunday:

1. Mary of Magdala (Jesus cast seven demons from her);

2. Mary, the mother of James and Joses;

3. Salome, mother of James and John  (from Mark's gospel); and

4. Joanna, wife of Herod's steward (Luke 24:10).

These were women of faith, to a point. The did not expect to see the risen Jesus, but they had faith that somehow they could remove the stone that blocked the tomb entrance. When Christ died on the cross, the "earth did quake, and the rocks rent." At the resurrection, God dispatched an angel and another earthquake occurred. Verse 3 tells us that his appearance "was like lightening, and his raiment white as snow." The sudden arrival of such a being, in the darkness of the night, along with the earthquake, would have been enough to frighten the Roman soldiers. Verse 4 states, "the keepers shook with fear and collapsed like dead men." Can you blame them? Have you ever been in an area without modern lightening? It is pitch black. You can hardly see your hand before your face. Then, all of a sudden, there is a bright light and the ground is shaking. That was what the guards experienced! The coming of the angel was a confirmation of God's approval of Jesus. Full atonement for sin had been made. The rolling of the stone away, in the presence of the guards, symbolized God's triumph over the forces of evil! The stone was rolled away for the women, not Jesus. The stone was removed so they could view the empty tomb, not for Jesus to depart.

The second section is "The Resurrection Announced." vv. 5-7 The angel's words were providing evidence that Christ truly had risen from the dead. The angel's words can be summarized as follows:

1. Fear not;

2. Jesus is not here;

3. He is risen;

4. Look inside for proof; and

5. Quickly tell the disciples He is risen and that they will see Him.

The angel's words are topped by the women actually beholding the empty tomb. Christ had told them that He would meet them in Galilee after His resurrection (Matthew 26:32). Galilee was the home for many of the disciples and for the women (Matthew 27:55). There was much fear in Jerusalem so Christ told them He would meet them away from the center of opposition. In fact, He met them that very evening (John 20:19-23). 

The third section is "The Christ Worshipped." vv. 8-10 The women respond to the words of the angel and the empty tomb. They could have responded with doubt or questioning. They ran with faith! That faith enabled them to meet the risen Lord along the way. So it is with us today. Faith and obedience bring the soul into fellowship with Christ. (1 John 1:7). The women are convinced that they are in the presence of Deity, Christ's resurrection having proved Him to be the Son of God. Christ instructs them to share the good news, "Go tell." Even though the disciples had fled, redemption and forgiveness through Christ's redeeming power is available to them. As we close the lesson, remember the importance of the resurrection with regard to the salvation of mankind. Christ's resurrection is the assurance that full atonement has been made.

The Golden Text is: "I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live." (John 11: 25) The resurrection of Jesus Christ gives us hope that death is not the final chapter. We will live again in eternity if we believe (trust in, adhere to and follow) Jesus Christ. Christ has conquered death and hell for His followers. This is the message of the cross that must be preached. The church needs a return to the message of the cross and leave the entertainment, easy grace, and sin ignoring messages so prevalent in churches today. We have a wonderful Savior and we need to preach Him, both crucified and resurrected!

My summary points:

1. Move in the faith you have.

2. The tomb is empty; He is risen!

3. Worship the Christ regardless of the uncertainty of your situation.

Next week: "John the Baptist and Jesus." (Matthew 3: 1-17)

Over the years I have encountered arguments from unbelievers including athesists regarding the impossibility of the resurrection. I have simply stated that with logic I can prove the resurrection. In 1997, a UFO Religious Cult named "Heaven's Gate" committed suicide. Thirty-nine bodies were found having taken their own lives. They believed an extraterrestrial space craft named Comet Hale-Bopp was close by and they would enter the craft once they left their bodies. They were a deluded deceived group of people that soon learned their error. 

All but one of the disciples were martyred for their faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. They willingly died for Jesus Christ. The cult members of Heaven's Gate died willingly hoping that they were correct. The disciples that willingly gave up their lives were not deceived. They know what they had seen with their eyes. They were willing to die for their faith because they had seen the risen Christ. No one would knowingly die for a lie they knew to be a lie. Perhaps, you might have one that had a mental condition and he would. However, all the disciples except John died for their faith. No one would die for a lie they knew was a lie.

The question I ask the unsaved: What would motivate a group of people to die for a lie they knew was a lie? The answer is that no one would die for a lie. The resurrection did occur. Jesus is alive. He seeks those that are lost. Are you willing to be found by Him?

Have a blessed Resurrection Sunday!

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