Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Hebrew Versus Greek Thinking

We are a product of a Greek thinking society. What does this mean? Well to be brief,
someone who is trained"Greek" is one that must figure out everything in their mind
before they are willing to accept it. If a Greek thinking person can't figure it out, they
reject the proposition until it makes sense to them. To the Greek, understanding precedes

The Hebrew mindset is just the opposite. The "Hebrew" desires understanding but only
so he or she can obey God more fully. To the Hebrew, obedience precedes understanding.
This is important because our Holy Bible was written mostly by Hebrews to be read by
Hebrews (Paul tells us that we are like spiritual Hebrews if we believe in Christ so that makes
you a Hebrew even if you are born Gentile). As an example, think about Moses and the
children of Israel cornered by Pharaoh after they had left Egypt. There is no escape for
the Hebrews and then God tells Moses to lift up his staff over the Red Sea and it will
divide. The Greek thinker would want the water to split before he obeyed in lifting up a
stick (because how silly would you look to be holding a stick over a big body of water
and nothing happen). The Hebrew Moses obeyed before he had understanding and the
waters divided and the children of Israel passed safely over.

How does this impact our walk with the Lord Jesus Christ as His disciple? We trust in the Sovereignty of God. We trust in His Providence. God has seen the end from the beginning. When we are facing a difficult test or challenge to our faith, I don't need to respond with questions to try and make sense of it all. Instead, I seek to obey God with every choice and decision I make. I don't need to figure it out because I know that God will work everything out to bring about His Perfect Good Plan for His purposes and mine. That's being Hebraic like Jesus.


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