Tuesday, April 20, 2021

The Sovereignty of God Part 2

 When we speak of God's Sovereignty, I refer to the fact that God is sovereign in the manifestation, or exercise, of His power. Matt. 28:18 states, "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth." Psalm 62:11 reads: "Power belongeth unto God." God manifests His power as He wills, when He wills and where He wills. We do not have the right to question His Sovereign decisions. Some like David, Daniel and the three Hebrew children were delivered from danger while others as set forth in Hebrews suffered death, danger, torture and extreme poverty. Stephen was stoned, but Peter was rescued. Why? Because God is Sovereign.

In the second place, God is Sovereign in the manifestation of His mercy to the souls of men. "The soul that sins will die." (Ezekiel 18:4) "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23) If it was not for God 's grace being extended to mankind, no one would ever be saved. Calvin called it "irresistible grace" and Wesley called it preventive (today we say "prevenient" grace). Regardless of your theological position, both men would agree without God's grace changing a heart, no one would ever choose God. Read Romans three for proof (verses 10-18). God extends mercy to whom and when He wants. For one act of disobedience, Moses was kept from the Promised Land. He asked God to remove it, but God in His Sovereignty said no. Yet, Hezekiah was sick unto death and he asked God to spare his life. God agreed and gave him 15 additional years. Romans 9:15: "I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy...." 

Third, God is Sovereign in the exercise of His love. God loves who He chooses. God does not love everybody. He doesn't love the devil. For people who think differently, what about an unrepentant sinner, who blasphemes and curses God, would he be lovable? Ephesian 2:3 states: "We all...were by nature the children of wrath." Psalm 7:11 reads: "God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day." Think about all the heathen nations that God caused the Israelites to destroy. Did God love those perverse sinful nations? I think not. God chooses to love whom He pleases and His Sovereignty is not to be questioned. 

The true believer in Jesus Christ rejoices in the Sovereignty of God. I'm thankful He extended His grace to my heart and I repented of my sins and chose to follow Jesus Christ. However, know that those that are not His, they will object to His Sovereignty. Unbelievers want a different "god." One that will obey their demands and be in their image. That, my reader, is idolatry because they have created a "god" in their own image. Ministers need to preach on the Sovereignty of God. It will uncover some of the tares in the church house.

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