Sunday, July 31, 2022

Free Will, Free Moral Agency and the Depravity of Man

 Due to time and space considerations, this study will focus on the main issues and hopefully encourage the reader to continue his or her studies on this very important subject. If you get these questions wrong, your entire theology will be in error. For example, does man have the free will independent of God's grace to even want salvation? Has the fall so corrupted man's nature that he cannot take a step towards God without help? Does God come to man first, or does man take the first step toward God for salvation? Can man come to God without the first act of grace being given from the Holy Spirit? Is man spiritually dead or only mostly dead? Is he the case of the sick man that only has to take the medicine from the doctor to be saved or is he the man incapable of taking any action on his part to be made well? This lesson will focus on three questions:

1. Does man have free will?

2. What is the difference between free will and free moral agency?

3. Is man totally depraved or only partially depraved? 

To answer the first question, we must first try to answer the question, what is free will. The type we will discuss is the view called "The Humanist View" and it is the one most prevalent in our churches today. This view states that man makes choices spontaneously without any affect from our prior disposition, conditioning, or prejudice. In essence, man is a blank slate. We can choose whatever we want to choose. For the moment, I will concede that such a blank slate is possible. If man has no prior disposition to a matter, he might not even make a choice because he has no inclination one way or the other. I heard Dr. R.C. Sproul use the example of "Alive in Wonderland" to make the point. Alice comes to a fork in the road and can't decide which way to go. She asks the Cheshire Cat which way she should go. He asks Alice, where she was heading. She said she didn't know so he replied than I guess it doesn't matter which way you go. In the same way, if we had no prior disposition or inclination to act in a certain way, our choices would be meaningless.

There are many verses that point to man's free will:

1. Joshua 24: 15: "Choose you this day whom ye will serve...."

2. John 1: 12: "But as many as received Him, to them He gave power to become sons of God...."

3. Revelation 3: 20: "Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hears My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him...."

My answer to the question is that man has free will to choose whatever he desires most. The Bible is clear that man is called on to make choices. Those choices have consequences so man must be responsible for his choices. If his will wasn't free, that would seem unfair. How does man choose? The strongest motivation at the time of choice will influence the choice. For example, I want to lose 20 pounds and I want a piece of birthday cake. My choice will be controlled by the strongest desire at the moment of choice. If losing weight is more important than tasting the cake, I will say "no" to the cake. On the other hand, if tasting the cake is more desirable at the moment, I say, "May I have a slice?" So, while man's will is free it is not without prior dispositions and inclinations. The position held by most churches today that man's will is neutral, is just not true. 

I think the answer to the second question, "What is the difference between free will and free moral agency," will bring clarity to the issue. A person is possessed with three great powers: intellect (the power of seeing or knowing), the power of affection or feeling, and the power of the will. When you study the actions of man, you will find that the will of every man by nature is not independent but is dependent upon his affections and intellect. Therefore, man is a free agent, but does not have a free will. Man is responsible but does not have the power to choose independent of his affections or his fallen nature. You could say that man is free, but his will is not free. Man has a liberty or a freedom from coercion, but he does not have the power from within to make the right spiritual choices. The choices are controlled by his fallen nature. So, there is a vast distinction between man as a free agent and man having a free will. 

Man is a free agent because he does as he pleases, always as he pleases, and only as he pleases, and is therefore responsible. However, on the other hand, man has not a free will because all the faculties of man's inner being are so interwoven and bound together that his judgment moves his desires, and his desires move his will. The reason he does not will to come to Christ is because his judgment is twisted, his understanding is darkened, and his mind is blinded; therefore, he does not know the facts in the case. Now since his judgments and desires and affections are depraved, he does not want to know the facts in the case that would lead him to the Lord Jesus Christ, and left to himself, he never will. Then, by man's own intellect, or knowledge, he can never know God and the Lord Jesus Christ. By wisdom the world knows not God. Apart from the grace of God you cannot find Christ. In summary, man has a fre will but that will is so affected by his depravity from the fall of man, he will not exercise that freedom to choose Christ.

This leads us to the final question: Is man totally depraved or only partially depraved? The answer to this question will influence how you view the Sovereignty of God and how a person is saved. We will look at a few Scriptures:

1. John 6: 44: "No man can come to Me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day." The word "draw" is the Greek word helkyo and it means to drag. It is the same word used in John 21: 6 to speak of Peter dragging the net full of fish and Acts 16:19 when Paul and Silas were dragged into the marketplace after the conversion of Lydia. The word speaks of a forceful pulling not a gentle wooing. 

2. Romans 3: 10-18: These verses speak of the following:

a. There were none righteous.

b. No one seeks after God.

c. No one does good.

d. Their throats were open sepulchers.

f. They had poisonous tongues.

g. Their mouths were full of cursing and bitterness.

h. Their feet were swift to shed blood.

i. Destruction and misery were their ways.

j. They had no peace.

k. There was no fear of God before their eyes. 

3.  Ephesians 2: 1: "And you hath He quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins...." Dead people cannot help themselves. 

The above verses point to the conclusion that man is totally incapable of coming to the Lord, i.e., without God's grace being shed abroad in their hearts. John Wesley called God's act to reach the lost prevenient grace. John Calvin stated it was irresistible grace. Without engaging in a debate that has been ongoing for over 400 years, suffice it to say that I believe that man is incapable on his own to come to God for salvation without the assistance of God's grace regenerating his heart so that he might believe. 

This lesson has attempted to address the issues of free will, free moral agency and total depravity. This is an important subject. If you get this wrong, you will get salvation wrong. My opinion is as follows:

1. Man has free will, but not the moral ability to choose God due to the fall in the Garden of Eden.

2. Man is totally depraved and dead in sin.

3. Without the gift of God of grace and repentance, man will remain lost in his sins. 

4. We are dead in sins until God regenerates us as a Sovereign act of His doing. 

If you have questions about this subject, please contact us. 


7-31-2022 Devotion: Pride

 Proverbs 16: 18: "Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall."  Two points about this verse: First, pride will have a fall. Those that are of a haughty spirit, that think of themselves better than others, and look with contempt upon them, will be brought down, either by repentance or by ruin. It is the honor of God to humble the proud. It is the act of justice that those who have lifted up themselves should be laid low. Pharaoh, Sennacherib, Nebuchadnezzar, were instances of this. Men cannot punish pride, but either admire it or fear it, and therefore God will take the punishment of it into his own hands. Let Him alone deal with proud men. Second, proud men are frequently most proud, and insolent, and haughty, just before their destruction, so that it is a certainty that they are upon the brink of it. When proud men set God’s judgments at defiance, and think themselves at the greatest distance from them, it is a sign that they are at the door. It might be time for you to move. I have lived this verse many times in my life. I knew better, but it is so easy to fall into pride, especially when you gain some measure of success. If you underline texts in your Bible, make sure to underline this one!

Saturday, July 30, 2022

7-30-2022 : Commit

 Proverbs 16:2-3: "All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the LORD weigheth the spirits. Commit thy thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established." People are able to rationalize almost any kind of behavior as they seek to justify themselves. God’s knowledge is a warning against such self-deception. The Hebrew word translated "Commit" means actually to “roll.” The expression is unusual. It may mean that our plans should be entrusted to the Lord, or devised with conscious application of the principles of God’s Word.  I think the best meaning is a combination of both total trust and submission to the will of God. He will fulfill your righteous plans. Every few days I find myself in a conversation with someone about spiritual matters. I am often amazed that people think they have the capability of knowing spiritual truth apart from the Word of God. "I had a dream from the Lord." "God told me." No and no! God speaks to us through His Word. People will try to justify divorcing their spouses, stealing from their employers, etc. because they believe God has given them some special revelation. We must remember to weigh, i.e. test, our actions against God's standard as expressed in the Bible. Be wise and read and pray.

Friday, July 29, 2022

7-29-2022 Devotion: Following

 Proverbs 15: 9: "The way of the wicked is an abomination unto the LORD: but He loveth him that followeth after righteousness." The LORD considers the way of the wicked detestable and disgusting. This is the meaning of "abomination." By "way", the writer means their path, journey and way of life. You have probably heard the statement, "Hate the sin but love the sinner." That phrase is not in the Bible. Gandhi, the Hindu leader in India said it. If you think about it, the statement makes no sense. The LORD will not cast the sin into hell, He casts the sinner into hell. Psalm 7:11 says that God is angry with the wicked every day. The Lord loves those who follow after righteousness. There is only one way, and that way is through the blood redemption of the Lord Jesus Christ. Most American churches today are full of lost people who have lost ministers telling them that all that has to do to be saved from hell is say a sinner's prayer, make a decision for Jesus, or just make a profession of faith. James 2: 19 states" Thou believeth that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble." Demons have more fear of God than most professing believers. Today, if you are a blood washed disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ know for a certainty that the LORD loves you. No matter what you face, He is with you and will see you through.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

7-28-2022 Devotion: A Kind Word

 Proverbs 15: 1: "A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger."  The power of words to build up or to destroy relationships and friendships is stressed here. Anger is removed by a gentle response, but a heated response fuels the flame so that you have two people angry not one. Solomon is contrasting two approaches to conflict resolution. People have the opportunity to reduce tension or make it worse. Addressing anger with anger only stirs things up and makes matters worse, that is the fool’s approach. However, a gentle answer can bring reconciliation, peace and harmony. A soft answer is a gentle response. What is a gentle response? Gentleness refers to a response that is sensitive to the situation. Gentleness is not hotheaded and is motivated by love. I have been on both sides of this verse over the years. When I was younger I found myself joining the passions of the one angry and in always, I said always ended badly. As I have matured, I have seen the benefit of responding gently when someone is angry. I wish the mature me could visit the young me and advise me properly on this principle. I can't, but I can tell you.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

7-27-2022 Devotion: Advantages

 Proverbs 14: 26: "In the fear of the LORD is strong confidence: and his children shall have a place of refuge." In this verse you are invited and encouraged to live in the fear of God by the advantages which attend a Christian life. Having a fear of the Lord will produce beneficial practices for you and your children. First, where this reigns it produces a holy security and peace of mind. There is in it a strong confidence; it enables a person to hold fast both his purity and his peace, whatever happens, and gives him boldness before God and the world.Second, it includes a blessing upon posterity. The children of those that by faith make God their confidence shall be encouraged by the promise that God will be a God to believers and to their children to run to Him as their refuge, and they shall find shelter in Him. The children of true Christian parents often do the better for their parents’ instructions and example and fare the better for their faith and prayers. The lessons we learn from the Proverbs will not only benefit your life, but the life of your family members as they watch you live your life for the LORD Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

7-26-2022 Devotion: Depart From Evil

 Proverbs 14: 16: "A wise man feareth, and departeth from evil: but the fool rageth, and is confident." The last portion of this Proverb can be translated as: "but a fool is hotheaded and yet feels secure." The fear of the Lord causes a wise man to test what he hears. He will not be taken in. He won’t believe what the preacher says just because the preacher says it. He will check what the Word of God says. I want to say to you right now that you should not believe anything I say just because I say it. I am not the oracle of truth; I do not speak ex cathedra; I am not a know-it-all. You test what I say by the Word of God. There is a lot of sweet-sounding speech going out from churches and from the media. The Gospel has been watered down to such a point that it is my opinion that it is difficult for someone to get saved today, but for the Sovereign act of God. My reader friend, don’t believe everything you hear. Test it by the Word of God. Then, if it doesn't match up to the Word of God, leave it where you find it. This might be a person, a preacher, a church, or a business. However, that does not include your spouse. The Bible gives specific instructions for that situation. Be wise and leave evil when you find it. Don't be a hothead. That leads to a false security. Only the Word of God is perfect security.

Monday, July 25, 2022

7-25-2022 Devotion: An Inheritance

 Proverbs 13: 22: "A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just." A good man's estate remains with their families, the wealth of the wicked does not. In the providence of God, it will ultimately belong to the righteous. Godly Wisdom in life has lasting effects, especially in one’s own family.  The wealth of the wicked may be taken away and given to those more deserving. This verse may point to the irresponsible loss of wealth due to folly, or to divine retribution on the wicked wealthy for other sins. The Scripture makes the promise that one way or the other, there will be a wealth transfer from the wicked to the righteous. I believe this will occur either in this life or in the next. Either way, it will occur. I can testify that one of my purposes is to create generational wealth for my children and grandchildren. It drives me to work, pray, study the Word, and be a witness for the Lord Jesus Christ. This verse may include financial wealth, but don't limit it to money. Godly wisdom is passed onto your descendants by how you live your life for the LORD. What type of an inheritance are you leaving?

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Satan's Imitation of the Holy Spirit Part 3

 In parts 1 and 2, I stated that the main text for study is found in 2 Corinthians 11: 14-15: "And no marvel; For Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light, therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works." Satan likes to work in intimidation (1 Peter 5:8) as a roaring lion. Or he likes to work through imitation. Satan will cause miracles to be performed so people will be deceived. He will distort or distract the seekers of truth to a gospel that is close, but false. True believers will know and understand the truth. This study will focus on Satan's most destructive and dangerous imitation. He imitates salvation.

Satan has created several false methods of salvation that cause a person to thing that they are saved when they are really lost. Here are a few of his tactics:

1. Decisionism: This method has the person make a decision for Jesus. There is no Holy Spirit conviction, no repentance and no faith. You simply make a decision for Jesus. I have heard the following: God votes for you. The devil votes against you. You cast the deciding vote. 

2. Easy Believeism: This method can be used with Decisionism or by itself. Again, there is no Holy Spirit conviction, no true repentance, and no faith. Generally, the person is requested to repeat a prayer that is spoken to them by the worker or read a preprinted prayer for salvation. There are no "salvation prayers" that say repeat after me.

3. Profession of Faith: This method embraces both 1 and 2 listed above. The point is that the person gives mental consent that Jesus Christ is God's Son who died on a cross for the sins of the world. There is no Holy Spirit conviction, simply the person's making a statement of faith without having the Holy Spirit convict of sin.

4. Baptism: While baptism is encouraged as an act of obedience, it is not part of one's salvation experience. However, certain groups require baptism before you are saved. Satan likes all these methods because they make man the final decision maker, not God. Man is deified and God is dethroned. 

5. Church Membership: Again, while church membership is generally something to be embraced, when it is made part of the salvation experience, it has placed salvation in the hands of man, not God. You are not saved because you join a church or shake the preacher's hand. 

6. Works Based Salvation: his method requires you to earn your salvation. It might be a list of things you do and things you don't do. Sometimes, there are dress codes that require women to always wear a dress, never cut their hair, no movies or television. This method has the same underlying principle, salvation becomes man's achievement, not God's work. 

What have been the results of the false salvation methods promulgated by Satan. The following statistics from a Christian denomination were given about 50 years ago and I can only imagine what they are today:

5% of our church members do not exist.

10% of our present-day church membership cannot be found.

20% never pray.

25% of church members do not attend church services.

30% never open their Bibles to read.

40% never give to church sponsored causes.

60% never give to missions. 

75% never accept any responsibility in the church.

85% never go to prayer meetings.

90% never practice family worship.

95% of church membership never witness. 

A recent study revealed that 68% of Christian men and 50% of pastors watch porn regularly. Satan has been busy and successful deceiving many (means most) "Christians" who think they are saved when they are not. So, what is true salvation?

The Apostle Paul in Romans 8: 29-30 provides us with the Ordo Salutis (Order of Salvation). He lists the following order:

1. Foreknowledge;

2. Predestination;

3. Calling;

4. Justification; and

5. Glorification.

In summary, foreknowledge is to know and choose beforehand. This is not knowledge of the fact that God knows your name. To know in the Biblical sense meant an intimate relationship. The Father decided to have a close personal relationship with some people before they were physically born. If you disagree, you argue with the text, not me. Predestination follows foreknowledge. "Pre" means before and "destination" means final resting place. To "call" refers to an inward call. A preacher speaks to the mind of a person, only the Holy Spirit can speak to the heart of a person. All those foreknown, predestined and called will respond in repentance and faith and be justified. This is a legal determination of not guilty. Christ took our sin that He might give us His righteousness. Those truly justified will be glorified. 

The modern church believes it has the power to change a person's heart, so they change the message to make us less offensive to win the person. I remember the old saying: "What you win them with is what you will have to keep giving them to keep them." We want to make sure that we give people the true gospel, the rugged gospel that requires people to repent and have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. 

In summary, Satan has created his own salvation, but it is nothing more than a pathway to hell. He is imitating the Holy Spirit. True salvation is of the LORD and that leads to an eternity with Him.

7-24-2022 Devotion: Work

 Proverbs 13: 4: "The soul of a sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat." First, understand that "fat" in Elizabethan English meant fully satisfied, so we aren't talking about being overweight!  You may remember that the apostle Paul put it right on the line to the Thessalonians. There were some pious souls there who said, “We’re looking for the Lord to come,” and they quit work. Paul wrote, “… if any would not work, neither should he eat”. Let’s not be doling out food to those who will not work. We are to work. And if you really believe that the Lord is coming, it will make you a better worker. This is a Kingdom principle. We are to be productive and not lazy. Over the years in business, I have met many, candidly most, who don't really want to work. They want the nice things in life, but they don't want to work for them. God is our ultimate resource, but His plan is for us to work. I was a bivocational pastor for over a decade which meant I worked a secular job to pay the bills and still prepared sermons. The Lord Jesus Christ never failed me. He blessed the work of my hands and the ministry. There is a balance that must be kept. For a tire to work best, it must be round and balanced. Find the balance, but work while you do so.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

7-23-2022 Devotion: Lying Lips

 Proverbs 12: 22: "Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that deal trul are His delight." One of the things that should characterize a child of God is his truthfulness. An abomination is something that “nauseates” God. The term conveys extreme hatred. Thus it is better to remain silent than to have lying lips. This verse lets us know exactly what God thinks about liars. Revelations 21: 8 states: "But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” (Emphasis supplied) There is no distinction between lying for gain and a "white lie" to avoid hurting someone's feelings. Both are lies. It is far better to control the tongue and say nothing than to become a liar. Once one starts down that path, it is hard to stop. Be truthful or be quiet. 

Friday, July 22, 2022

7-22-2022 Devotion: Instruction

 Proverbs 12: 1: "Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish." One version translates the last phrase as follows: " but whoever hates correction is stupid." The man who loves instruction is a man who has a true estimate of what is important and what is really of superior value. That means that he will listen to instruction and correction. From my experience, I must say that after getting people to listen to the Word of God, one of the great problems is getting them to obey what it says. Obedience is absolutely essential. Swallowing our pride and choking down the hard truth about ourselves is never easy. But the wise person will sift through the mud for the golden nugget of truth.Embracing criticism is a sure sign of a growing, emotionally healthy person. Over the years, I have changed my theological positions because I received instruction that showed me my error. Never be afraid to change as a result of Godly instruction or correction. While my positions have changed, there has been a constant theme: Drawing closer to the Lord Jesus Christ and desiring to follow Him. 

Thursday, July 21, 2022

7-21-2022 Devotion: Good Advice

 Proverbs 11: 14: "Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety." The word "people" could also be translated as "nation." As a country, we want good advisors to be guiding the direction of the country. The current administration has as advisors a group of people that have codified Romans chapter 1. They are more concerned with gay rights, abortion and allowing men to pretend to be women. When you understand Scripture, the issues become more clear. Things will not get better until a different group of advisors are involved. The prior administration had Bible studies and regular prayer meetings. That is not to infer that everything done by the former President was Godly. The point simply is, good Godly advisors will bring safety. We are not in charge of running the nation, but we do have to make decisions. Regardless of how smart you are, you need good advice. You will remember that God gave Daniel to be an adviser to Nebuchadnezzar. He helped his king a great deal. Daniel was also an adviser to Cyrus, and he was a great help to him.  A good decision is made with multiple wise advisers. The more crucial the decision, the more appropriate is corporate wisdom. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

7-20-2022 Devotion: Deliverance

 Proverbs 11: 8: "The righteous is delivered out of trouble, and the wicked cometh in his stead." The last few words can also be translated as "falls on the wicked instead." This verse is telling us that the righteous are delivered from trouble and the trouble falls on the wicked. I like that, but does it seem to be so nowadays? This is a reference to God’s providential intervention. Proverbial sayings often state what is generally true, but not without exceptions. The suffering of the righteous (think Job) shows that while things may appear bad, they will not remain bad for the true believer. We must trust in God’s goodness, even when His goodness is not immediately seen, addresses the problem of the righteous sufferer. It goes without saying that verse starts with the premise that the righteous are in trouble. In this world, we will have tribulation. However, we also have the assurance that deliverance is coming. Regardless of what we may be facing, as we trust in God's Providence, we can have a certainty that we will be delivered. Sometimes, you just have to "wait for it." I wish I had known this truth earlier, It would have saved me a lot of worry and fear.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

7-19-2022 Devotion: Be Honest

 Proverbs 11:1: "A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is His delight." God does enter into business; you can take Him into partnership with you. However, you can’t form a partnership with Him if you are dishonest. If you are honest, He would like to be your partner. The Christian businessman is to be honest and a man of integrity. I saw a post on Facebook about a businessman having a conversation with Jesus Christ. The man said to the Lord, "Should we put a fish on our hats so people will know we are a Christian company?" Lord Jesus responded by saying, "No, let's show them you are a Christian company by your fair dealing, excellent work, and your integrity." While I am not suggesting that the Lord Jeus Christ would have had the conversation, however, I am suggesting that the principle put forth is accurate. We are to be fair in our dealings. We are to treat people with respect and never cheat anyone. God will bless a company that adheres to such principles. Be honest, always.

Monday, July 18, 2022

7-18-2022 Devotion: Too Many Words

 Proverbs 10:19: "In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin: but he retraineth his lips is wise." We are here admonished regarding the use of the tongue, that necessary duty of a Christian. 1. It is good to say little, because in the multitude of words there wanteth not sin, or sin doth not cease. Usually, those that speak much speak much amiss, and among many words there will be a tendency to speak in idle or worthless words which one day will require that an account be given. Those that love to hear themselves talk do not consider what work they are making for repentance. The Lord Jesus Christ taught that every idle word would require an accounting. 2. It is therefore good to keep our mouth as with a bridle: He that refrains his lips, that often checks himself, suppresses what he has thought, and holds in that which would transpire, is a wise man; it is an evidence of his wisdom, and he therein consults his own peace. Some people love to dominate a conversation by controlling the conversation. It is a far better practice to listen twice as much as you speak. I have heard it said that was why God gave you two ears and one mouth. Let your speech be considered valuable by those in your presence. Speak carefully and thoughtfully, and not just to hear yourself talk.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Satan's Imitation of the Holy Spirit Part 2

 In part 1, I stated that the main text for study is found in 2 Corinthians 11: 14-15: "And no marvel; For Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light, therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works." Satan likes to work in intimidation (1 Peter 5:8) as a roaring lion. Or he likes to work through imitation. Satan will cause miracles to be performed so people will be deceived. He will distort or distract the seekers of truth to a gospel that is close, but false. True believers will know and understand the truth. This study will concentrate on a few of the imitations Satan will use to deceive. The following are some examples of Satan's imitation of the Holy Spirit:

1. Satan wants you to humanize the Lord Jesus Christ. He wants you to call Him, "Jesus" or even "Sweet Jesus." He doesn't want you to call Him, Lord. Rarely do you hear of the Second Person of the Triune God spoken of except by the name of Jesus.  Satan wants the Lord Jesus Christ to be just Jesus, but he also wants to deify man. He wants to convince you that man is basically good. That there is some residual good in everyone. With regard to spiritual matters, there is nothing in man that would want God. Satan wants to destroy the Sovereignty of God and deify man. 

2. Satan will attempt to draw you away from the truth into a deception. John the Baptist, Peter, Paul and the Lord Jesus Himself all preached repentance. That is a missing message today. Satan will substitute "believingism" or "decisionism." Satan doesn't care about a profession of faith that comes from the mind, he fears the confession of sin and repentance coming from a heart that the Holy Spirit has broken up like fallow ground.  True salvation comes after the Holy Spirit has broken up the hard ground of the sinner's heart, showing him his lost condition, the sinner responding with repentance, and with faith given, the sinner cries, "Lord, save me." And He does. Satan wants people to have an easy path to salvation because he knows that they will not get saved. 

3. Satan desires to have people in the church focus on a deeper life. He wants salvation to be nothing more than a steppingstone to a second experience of grace. I have believed for years in a second experience of entire sanctification. However, I have noticed that people who have a second experience in their doctrine tend to focus on that second experience instead of on the Lord Jesus Christ. I have seen Charismatics who only talk about speaking in tongues and the gifts of the Spirit. The Lord Jesus Christ is relegated to an afterthought. In my opinion this is dangerous. Christ must be the focus. When people make salvation a preliminary to the second experience, what Christ did on the cross is minimized. That is simply wrong. As the hymn says, "Jesus paid it all." We need to remember that.

4. Satan desires you to seek a deeper experience in searching for the Baptism with the Holy Spirit. Every person who is saved, born again, is indwelt by the Holy Spirit, and is baptized with the Holy Spirit into Christ, which makes Christ and the believer one. Some will say, "Let us seek for the Holy Spirit so we can have power." The Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost, and he didn't leave. Every person that comes to Christ seeking salvation will not be turned away. When they are born again, they are baptized in the Holy Spirit which places them in the body of Christ. You should be able to see how this could lead someone into error. If you have someone that makes a pseudo profession of faith, and they begin their "Christian " walk. Things don't go well so a well-intentioned believer says that their problem is that they need power to live a victorious life. They will say you need the Holy Spirit. I was a member of churches that preached this doctrine for decades. I noticed that the effect was to get your eyes off the Lord Jesus Christ and onto the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit comes to convict of sin, righteousness and judgment. The Holy Spirit comes to point you to the living Lord Jesus Christ. If Satan can get false converts to get their eyes off the Christ and looking to the Holy Spirit  he will keep them deceived. Any person or doctrine that leads you away from the Lord Jesus Christ is in error. 

5. Satan wants you to focus on the sign and revelation gifts. These can be easily imitated and will deceive many. 1 Corinthians 1: 22 states: "For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom." I remember in the 1970s when the charismatic movement was really getting going. Members of that group would ask you, "Have you received the Holy Spirit?" If you said you had, they would ask, "Do you speak in tongues?" That was the central theme of their conversation. They were convinced if you didn't speak in tongues, you didn't have the Spirit. This was a Satanic attempt to draw attention away from the Lord Jesus Christ. People that focus on revelation, power and gifts, rarely talk about the Lord Jesus Christ, blood redemption or the depravity of man. In the book of Acts, we see tongues in four groups of people either explicitly or by implication. In Acts 2, the believers in the Lord Jesus Christ received the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues. Remember, Jews want a sign. In Acts 8, the hated Samaritans (the Jews considered them half breeds and traitors) received the Holy Spirit and it is implied they spoke in tongues. The Jews would need a sign to believe that God had accepted the Samaritans into the family of God. So, they saw one (Acts 8: 18). In Acts 10, Cornelius is converted and receives the Holy Spirit and speaks in tongues. Again, the Jews would need a sign to believe that God had accepted the Gentiles. In Acts 19, some Old Testament believers receive the Holy Spirit and speak with tongues. Again, this was a separate group that the Jews would seek a sign. So, God gave them one, tongues. Notwithstanding claims to the contrary, there has never been a repeat of Acts 2, sound of a mighty wind and tongues of fire sitting each head. Satan will want you to focus on the signs and gifts to get your eyes off Christ. Candidly, he has been very successful. Just listen to preachers that believe in speaking in tongues as evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. What is their message? What do they emphasize? It will become obvious to you.

6. Satan wants to be like God, imitate Him, and get you to do the same. Now, in some ways, we are to be like God. However, there are areas that we should not. In fact, it becomes prideful and idolatrous to do so. Isaiah 14: 13-14 states: "For thou (referencing Satan) hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High." Satan wants you to imitate God the way he tried. It causes me great concern when I hear a "Christian" use the following phrases:

1. I bind you devil in the name of Jesus.

2. I declare and decree that (name a sickness or problem) is removed in Jesus' name. 

3. I call forth (name whatever it is you want to come forth) in the name of Jesus. 

I make the following observations:

1. If everyone is binding the devil, why is he still lose?

2. If you have the power to decree health and wellbeing, please go to the children's hospital, or cancer ward, and heal everyone. You won't because you can't. You are not God even though you are confused by Satan to exalt yourself to that level. 

3. Human beings do not have creative power by their speech. The passage in Romans 4: 17 refers to God calling things forth, not Abraham.

We see in this section that Satan will do everything in his power to distract you from the Lord Jesus Christ. Listen to people that claim to be Christians. If you hear phrases like "Jesus," "Sweet Jesus," or "I declare, decree, or call forth," know that they most likely are operating under a demonic spirit. 

Next week, we will focus on why using just the name "Jesus" or "Sweet Jesus" is an indicator of someone being deceived. 

7-17-2022 Devotion: The Tongue

 Proverbs 10: 11: "The mouth of a righteous man is a well of life: but violence covereth the mouth of the wicked." One of the favorite topics of Proverbs is the tongue. Life-giving words come from a righteous heart and violent words come from a wicked heart. The words of the wise, like a well, are a source of life. Life depends on water. The open, benevolent speech of the righteous is just as necessary for a community as a fountain of water, offering all abundant life. The right word spoken at the right time and in the right way supports or corrects a community in a way that promotes its life. If you have been with a group of people meeting for a specific objective, e.g. a sales meeting to increase sales, a school group to plan an event, or just speaking with friends about a situation that needs resolution, you have probably seen this principle in operation. Righteous people say righteous things and that brings life. Wicked people bring trouble, despair, and conflict. I have seen this many times over the years. Listen to what is being said around you. Are the words bringing life, or are they bringing violence?

Saturday, July 16, 2022

7-16-2022 Devotion: Awe

 Proverbs 9: 10: "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding." The overarching theme of the book of Proverbs and particularly the first 9 chapters is having a  reverence for God. This is a reverential awe and admiration. It is foundational for all spiritual knowledge and wisdom. While the unbeliever may make statements about life and truth, he does not have true or ultimate knowledge until he is in a saving relationship with God. Note the progression here: 1) teaching about God; 2) learning about God; 3) fearing God; 4) knowing God; and 5) imitating God’s wisdom. The fear of the LORD is a state of mind in which one’s own attitudes, will, feelings, deeds, and goals are exchanged for God’s. This is a requirement to live out a sanctified life, a life dedicated to Him. If you love someone, you want to learn as much as you can about him or her, and try to please them. Having a reverential fear of the LORD is exactly where He wants us to live. 

Friday, July 15, 2022

7-15-2022 Devotion: Loving Death

 Proverbs 8: 36: "But he that sinneth against Me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death." For years, I have used this verse as a litmus test for certain issues. Recently, our Supreme Court rescinded a national right to abort children. The reactions from some who opposed this ruling included groups screaming, "We love killing babies, thank God for abortion, and kill the babies kill the babies." These people love death and that means that they hate God. How could anyone think they could be a Christian and support such behavior? Don't say, "Hate the sin, love the sinner." That's not in the Bible. It was said by the unsaved Hindu leader Gandhi. We need to recognize people that hate God and do the following: pray for them, try to witness truth to them, and do your best to be a good ambassador for Him. This means that while we don't compromise, we also don't stone them. Never compromise the truth. Stand strong for the LORD. You will experience persecution. That is why we need to be prayed up, consecrated and sanctified, and have the whole armor of God at all times. Don't give up or give in.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

7-14-2022 Devotion: Hating Evil

 Proverbs 8: 13: "The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate." You could  translate it as “the mouth of perversions do I hate.” This is something that is quite real today; it is right down where we live. Wisdom is manifest. It is the character of God, and that character has been revealed in Christ. Evil, pride, arrogance, and an evil way are hateful to Him. If we belong to Him, we will hate these things also. Think about how the world's thinking does its best to get you to first tolerate evil, then accept evil, and finally you must embrace the evil, and support it. Think about the sexual perversions that are being forced upon us. If you are old enough, think back 20 years. Such things were not even a consideration. The Scripture today reminds us that the fear of the LORD requires us to "hate evil." To "hate evil" includes to be an enemy to,  to unlove the evil, to be hated, be shunned, to be an adversary, be a foe; “hate” can be active, as an enemy or adversary; or passive, as someone unloved or shunned. The idea of "hate" is to take both an active role (to be an enemy, or a foe who fights evil) and a passive role (shun and unlove). Consider today, how will you hate evil?

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

7-13-2022 Devotion: Your Heart

 Proverbs 7: 1: "My son, keep my words, and lay up my commandments with thee."  The father echoes Deuteronomy 6 and urges the son to obey his commands, tie them on his fingers, and write them on his heart. The Israelites failed to obey the law of God that had been written down on stone tablets because they needed new hearts. God had not yet granted them new hearts, but he promised that one day he would “circumcise . . . the hearts of [their] descendants” so they could obey. On that day, the Lord would “write [the law] on their hearts”. Solomon instructs his son not to be satisfied with merely obeying his commands but to go even further by internalizing them in his heart. Today, religious Jews actually have elaborate displays of small boxes with Scriptures in them. They wear them on their hands and on their foreheads. All they have is ritual. We as New Testament Christians have had the Holy Spirit write His laws on our hearts. We have no excuse. We know what we are to do. God help us to be obedient to His commands. Keeping the commandments will keep you from sin. If you think about it, to commit sin is to make the decision to tell God He is wrong and you know best. That does not seem like a good plan. Keep His Word in your heart. Guard and protect it.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

7-12-2022 Devotion: Be Wise

 Proverbs 6: 12-13: "A naughty person, a wicked man, walketh with a froward mouth. He winketh with his eyes, he speaketh with his feet, he teacheth with his fingers." "Naughty" means a troublemaker. "Froward" means corrupt. The idea is of someone saying one thing with his mouth, but intending to do something malicious. The wicked will not speak plainly and openly, but make veiled suggestions and signs that sow seeds of distrust and dissension. Look out for these people. Whether you find them in work, school, or in social groups. Verse 15 states that his "calamity [will] come suddenly..." These verses follow the ones we looked at yesterday regarding the ant. There is a clear comparison. I do not suggest that you place everyone under a microscope and look for these traits. However, my point is that you should not overlook the characteristics of someone who displays these traits. I have a saying, "When someone shows you who they are the first time, believe them." Be wise as a serpent is also a Scripture. So, be wise.

Monday, July 11, 2022

7-11-2022 Devotion: The Ant

 Proverbs 6: 6: "Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise."  The ant is an example of industry, diligence, and planning and serves as a rebuke to a sluggard (a lazy one who lacks self-control). Wisdom sends a lazy man to learn from an ant. The little ant is quite a teacher. The ant can reveal great truths to us. One truth is that she is as diligent in business as anyone possibly can be. This is something that the child of God can learn from the little ant. The ant is busy doing what is the most important thing in her life: she is getting food for the winter, caring for the future, and she is busy about it. I think one of the great sins among Christians today is laziness, and many of the lazy ones can be found in full-time Christian service. All of us need to ask ourselves what we do with our spare time. Do we read the Word of God? Do we study the Word of God? We complain we don't have time, but if you look at how you spend your day, you will probably find that you have more time than you thought. I read my Bible and pray before I eat anything for my physical body. I nourish the spiritual man before I do the physical one. I try to make the last thing I do at night to read my Bible and pray. It is a great way to start and end my day. Consider the ant.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Satan's Imitation of the Holy Spirit Part 1

 The main text for today's study is found in 2 Corinthians 11: 14-15: "And no marvel; For Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light, therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works." Satan likes to work in intimidation (1 Peter 5:8) as a roaring lion. Or he likes to work through imitation. Satan will cause miracles to be performed so people will be deceived. He will distort or distract the seekers of truth to a gospel that is close, but false. True believers will know and understand the truth. This study will concentrate on a few of the imitations Satan will use to deceive.

First, Satan will have you focus on the miracle of healing. Nowhere in God's Word are we instructed to preach a gospel of healing. If you carefully read the book of Acts, you will see that no believer was ever healed. There is only one case in Acts where faith was mentioned (Acts 14:8-11). We are to preach the Gospel of Christ crucified, Christ buried, Christ resurrection, Christ ascension and Christ coming again. Satan will have you distracted to get your eyes off Christ. That is what makes the gospel of healing so dangerous. If you watch ministries that stress divine healing, listen carefully for any discussion of the Sovereignty of God, blood redemption, or Holy Spirit conviction. You will wait a long time because it is not there. Satan has imitated the true work of the Holy Spirit and he has sidetracked the people. 

Second, Satan will have you lose confidence in the Word of God. There are three times in the Scriptures that Satan speaks: in the garden to cast doubt on the Word of God, to accuse Job to God, and in the temptation in the wilderness of our Lord. There are many people today that think they are in the body of Christ, but Satan has deceived them by casting doubt on the Word of God. The canon of Scripture has closed. This means the Lord Jesus Christ has ceased to speak with people. He has said all He will say to get you saved and sanctified. There are certain groups that believe that the Canon has not closed and God is still speaking revelation to His children separate from the Scriptures. Those groups include Charismatics, Pentecostals, and other groups that focus on the gifts of the Spirit. They will say something like, "God told me this morning...." This is an example that I saw on my social media:

"Was just sitting on the porch and felt strongly to post this. The pleasure God finds in us is not because of our works.. but because of our Love…

All of a sudden, a Dove hit my glass door which is odd because it’s so low, and landed in my chair. It looked at me for a few seconds and flew away.

The Holy Spirit began to remind me Doves represent his peace and it was a Dove that let Noah know it’s was time to come out of the ark and claim the new land …
Not going try and explain this, just being obedient to post it, and know it’s for God to quicken the hearts of those he is speaking to thru this…"

While the person who said this may have the best of intentions, they did not hear from the Lord Jesus Christ. They had some thought in their head and they attribute it to God. You might say, "You are making too big of a deal over this." No, I am not. The writer of the post is directing the person to consider their words instead of the Word of God.  What God sees in you that is pleasurable to Him is nothing. It is only when He sees Christ and the blood redemption that He is pleased. Part of the misguided approach will be seen in the next section, is how Satan has imitated truth and sought to deify man instead of the Lord Jesus Christ. Remember Revelation 22: 18 states in part: "If any man shall add unto these things (referring to the words of prophecy of the book (v. 18), God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book...." What many do not realize is that when you need to supplement the Scriptures you take away from their completeness and sufficiency. When you don't close the Canon, you cast doubt on its sufficiency and trustworthiness. Sound familiar? Think Genesis 3.  

Many times, I have heard someone say, "I need a word from the Lord." Consider that phrase. The person has just said that God's Word is not sufficient, I need a person to speak to me from God. No, my reader, the Bible is sufficient. I have had people approach me with a dream and believed it was a message from God. I know of Charismatics that seek to interpret the dreams. Without all the details, I said to a group, why would I need confirmation from a human being when I have the complete Word of God? No dream, vision, or thought someone has will provide me comfort or direction when I have the Word of God. The Canon is complete and closed.

As I have repeatedly said, "If you want to hear God speak, read the Bible. If you want to hear God audibly speak, read the Bible out loud." 

Third, Satan has sought to imitate the great doctrines of the Bible such as the Sovereignty of God, the depravity of man, blood redemption and Holy Spirit conviction, the work of the Holy Spirit and the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. The following summary is not meant to be exhaustive, or complete. It simply points out, in brief, how Satan is watering down the Gospel so that his wolves in sheep clothing occupying the pulpits will make sure the Gospel is not presented.  

A. The Sovereignty of God: There are many Scriptures that establish God as Sovereign. For now, I will define His Sovereignty as His right to control every aspect of His creation. God controls our lives. He has that right. As you could imagine, Satan hates this doctrine.  He can't stand that God is in control, even of him. Therefore, Satan has done his best to dethrone God and deify man. Candidly, he has been very successful. Let us look at the subject of how a sinner gets saved. The sinner under Holy Spirit conviction will see themselves as a lost soul deserving of hell fire. They see themselves as completely unable to save themselves. In faith they turn to the Lord Jesus Christ, repent of sin, and call on Him to save them. This is not a decision for Christ. If you made a decision for Christ, you are most likely unsaved. Nor is this saying the "sinner's prayer." Saying some words in a repeat after me format will not save anybody. Only Holy Spirit conviction will bring a soul to Christ for salvation. Romans 8: 29-30 presents the Ordo Salutis (Latin for "order of salvation): Foreknowledge, predestination, calling, justification and glorification. Jonah 2: 9 states: "Salvation is of the Lord." Salvation is initiated by God, yet man is responsible s well. However, man is not in charge.

B. The Depravity of Man: Paul said in Romans 3: 10-18 that there were none righteous, none doing good, there were like snakes with poisonous lips, with mouths full of deceit, cursing and bitterness, and there are none that seek after God. He is describing the total depravity of man. This does not mean that unbelievers are as horrible as Hitler, but rather when it comes to salvation, they are unable to come to the Lord on their own. Satan sought to imitate the truth of the total depravity by getting preachers to believe that man was capable of making that first step on their own. You make the first step; God will meet you and provide the grace to get you to salvation. Satan wanted to deify man and he has been very successful in getting churches to have man become sovereign. Ephesians 2: 1 state: "And you hath Her quickened (means made alive) who were dead in trespasses and sins...." Satan wants you to believe that man can on his own take and receive the gospel without the Holy Spirit. Ever see a dead person to respond to get help. If you are dead, you can't do anything but stay dead. This is the imitation that Satan wanted: man can take credit for art of his salvation. That part i making the first move toward God. This is a lie and creates a number of problems.

Think about all the gimmicks to get people saved, "try Jesus", seeker sensitive services, turning our churches into entertainment centers with light shows, and doing your best not to offend them, or" what do you have to lose?" One of the reasons I have always tried to preach the truth without compromises is because I know if God doesn't give the hearer grace, he or she will never respond. I don't want false converts. I want to preach the truth in love knowing that unless God moves on the heart of the listener, my words will be ineffective. It is part of Satan's imitation to soften the gospel to deify man and remove his total depravity. 

7-10-2022 Devotion: Snared

 Proverbs 6: 2: "Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth." Context, context, context. I know people that take this verse and believe that they have the power to create happiness for themselves or disaster if they say the wrong thing. I knew a person who was afraid to be honest with his wife about her medical condition because it forced him to say something negative. It was like everyone was playing a religious game with their words. The key to the verse is found in verse 1: "My son, if thou be surety for thy friend, if thou hast stricken thy hand with a stranger (means shaken hands with a stranger to guarantee a debt for another)...." In context, the verse is clear that if you agree to pay someone else's debt, you are bound by your words. However, if you are trying to fleece people from their money, you may sell books and tapes teaching people how they can get rich or healthy by their words. Be careful if you agree to be a surety for someone else's debt, because you will be legally responsible. The Bible makes good sense when it is interpreted correctly. 

Saturday, July 9, 2022

7-9-2022 Devotion: Our Ways

 Proverbs 5: 21: "For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD, and He pondereth all his goings." The LORD sees all that man does and in mercy withholds immediate judgment, allowing the sinner time to repent or to be caught in his own sin. We need to recognize that God is seeing us all the time. God is always watching us. He never takes His eyes off of you. A man was put in a foursome for golf with three preachers. He was glad to get away from us when he found out who was in the foursome. He had ripped out an oath, and after he learned that preachers heard him, he began to apologize. They said to him, “Brother, don’t pay any attention to us. We are just three men like you are. But you are speaking that way before God all the time. I don’t care whether you are on the golf course or in a bar or where you are, you are saying these things before God.” The ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD and He ponders, i.e. He wonders why we act and say what we do. What does the LORD think about your actions?

Friday, July 8, 2022

7-8-2022 Devotion: Remove

 Proverbs 4: 27: "Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot from evil." This warning is also found in Deuteronomy 5:32-33; 28:14; and Joshua 1:7. Such careful behavior will lead one to diligently remove his foot from evil. “Proverbs provides both a goal and a route. The goal is successful living and the route is the way of wisdom”. The wisdom teacher is patiently contending for the souls of God's children and pleading with them to embrace a vision of success that glorifies God by faithful adherence to His wisdom. Many times in business I have been asked the source of my wisdom. I have been asked what books I would recommend. My answer is always the same: read the book of Proverbs. The Wisdom you will find will enable you to live the best life available. This is not a magic formula, it is the result of following God's guidance as found in Proverbs. You will find that when you do things His way, not yours, your life will improve. Trust in His Word.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

7-7-2022 Devotion: Incline

 Proverbs 4: 20-22: "My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh." We are admonished to keep God's Word in our hearts. The “heart” commonly refers to the mind as the center of thinking and reason, but also includes the emotions, the will, and thus, the whole inner being. The heart is the depository of all wisdom and the source of whatever affects speech, sight, and conduct. The psalmist said this about the Word: “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee”. God’s words are the words of life. It has been said of the writings of a great man of the past that if his words were cut, they would bleed. This can truly be said of the words of God. They are living words—if you cut them, they will bleed. “For they are life unto those that find them.” They will bring life and light to you. They bring instruction and direction and joy. All this comes through the Word of God. God's Word is alive and It will meet your every need. Treasure God's Word. Hide in your heart by memorizing it, repeating it often, studying it and writing down your observations. They will be life to you.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

7-6-2022 Devotion: Wisdom and Knowledge

 Proverbs 4: 7: "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding."  As translated the verse means, “Wisdom is of the first importance, do not neglect it.” Another possible sense is that “Wisdom is first in line” for the learner. Wisdom is ready, and the one who wishes to learn may begin immediately. Notice the way he speaks of wisdom. It is not just knowledge; it is not simply having a computer mind. It is wisdom and intelligence to use knowledge properly and to have a love for it. That is something that the souls of men need today. Someone once said to me, "Knowledge is knowing what to do and wisdom is knowing how to do it." While this may be an oversimplification, it makes the valid point between wisdom and knowledge. We are to strive to get wisdom and that process will begin with reading the Word of God. There, you will find the supreme source for wisdom and knowledge.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

7-5-2022 Devotion: Others

 Proverbs 3: 27: "Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it." Generosity to the poor was a common theme in ancient Near Eastern wisdom. Typical is the following quote from the Egyptian Instructions, but similar sentiments are found in the Babylonian Counsels of Wisdom as well as the Egyptian Ptahhotep and Ankhsheshonqy:

"Do not eat bread while another stands by

Without extending your hand to him."

We need to remember this Scripture. There are many hurting people today. If we can reduce their suffering and we have the means to do so, we should. Do not limit this to money. Perhaps someone needs a friend to talk to, someone to just be with them, and we can all make time for others. We just need to keep it "on the radar."

Monday, July 4, 2022

7-4-2022 Devotion: Correction

 Proverbs 3: 12: "For whom the LORD loveth He correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth." God is going to chasten you as you go along through life if you are His child. Remember that God does not whip the devil’s children, but He certainly does spank His own. That is good evidence that you belong to Him. In the Book of Job it says, “Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty: For he maketh sore, and bindeth up: he woundeth, and his hands make whole”. Now remember that chastening is not punishing. We have confused punishment with chastisement. The criminal is to be punished; the child is to be corrected. If you know you are saved, then put away that God wants to punish you. Get the mindset of correction. Correction is for the person's own good; punishment is for the benefit of the one wronged. Never confuse the two. If you are His, He loves you and will always act in your best interest, even if it is a correction.

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Biblical Sexuality: Marriage, Gender Identity, Transgender, and Pornography Part Two

 Biblical Sexuality: Marriage, Gender Identity, Transgender, and Pornography Part Two

Part III: Redemption 

Q. What has the Lord Jesus Christ accomplished for me in the gospel with regard to all forms of sexual sin?

  1. Through true faith in the promise of God’s Word (John 17: 3, 17; Hebrews 11: 1-3; James 2: 19), and wholehearted trust in Christ (Romans 4: 18-21, 5: 1, 10: 10; Hebrews 4: 14-16), not only to others but to me also; the forgiveness of all my sexual respasses (Colossians 2: 13-14; 1 Corinthians 6: 13-14), canceling all my guilt (Colossians 2: 14; Hebrews 2: 14), and meriting for me eternal righteousness and salvation (Romans 1: 16-17; Hebrews 10: 10).

Q. How does the truth of the gospel set us free with regard to sexual sin?

  1. Since I died, was buried, and have been raised with Christ (Romans 6: 1-4) through His death and resurrection, I am set free from slavery to any form of sexual sin. Christ has broken its dominion over me (Romans 6: 5-14), and I now live with a renewed desire (Hebrews 8: 10-12; Colossians 3: 1-5) to reckon myself dead to my old way of sexual immorality (Romans 6: 21; Ephesians 5: 1-17), but alive to God in pursuing a sexually pure life for His glory (Romans 6: 11).

Q. Why are all forms of sexual immorality incompatible with my union with the Lord Jesus Christ?

  1. Since I have become one with Christ in body and spirit, any form of sexual immorality invites that which is profane into my holy union with Christ (1 Corinthians 6: 15-20). Therefore, I am called to be one with Christ by fleeing all forms of sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 6: 18; 1 Thessalonians 4: 3).

Part IV: Restoration

Q. What does God call us to do when we fall to sexual sin?

  1. When I commit any form of sexual sin, even the slightest desire or thought contrary to any of God’s commandments, I should confess my sins to Him (Psalm 1; 32: 5; 2 Samuel 12: 13; 1 John 2: 9), eagerly turn away from all sexual sin (1 Corinthians 6: 18; 1 Thessalonians 4: 3), and seek to walk in the newness of life (Romans 6: 4; 7: 6; Colossians 3: 1-5). 

Q. Since we have been delivered from all sexual sin, why should we pursue a life of sexual purity?

  1. Five reasons:

  1. Because our sinful desires do not define us or constitute our identity as those purchased by the blood of Christ (1 Corinthians 6: 20; 7: 23; 1 Peter 1: 17-18). 

  2. Because sexual purity is the will of God for our sanctification (1 Thessalonians 4: 3).

  3. By pursuing a life of sexual purity, we show that we are thankful to God for His salvation (Romans 6: 13; 12: 1-2; 1 Peter 2: 5-10).

  4. We also stand as witnesses, that those living in sexual immorality might see in us the holy purity that God loves (Matthew 5: 14-16; Romans 14: 17-19; 1 Peter 2: 12; 3: 1-2).

  5. As we battle against our sinful nature, the Holy Spirit strengthens our Christian walk and we give glory to God (1 Corinthians 10: 31; Galatians 5: 17).

Q. What is pornography? 

  1. Pornography is a lustful desire of the flesh, activated through the channel of the eye (Job 31: 1; 1 John 2: 16), through the looking upon or distributing of naked images of males and females for the purpose of sexual arousal (Matthew 5: 28; 1 Corinthians 7: 9). 

Q. Why is pornography so destructive?

  1. Because the use of such images ruins the sexual intimacy intended for marriage (Ephesians 5: 25; Hebrew 13: 4), supports idolatry in the worship of the creature (Romans 1: 24-25), dehumanizes men and women promoting abuse, especially of women (Genesis 1: 26-27), advances other forms of sexual purity (Romans 1: 18-27; James 1: 14-15; 2 Peter 2: 14), creates idleness in society to the harm of our neighbors (2 Thessalonians 3: 6-12), and degrades the mind into darkness (Romans 1: 28-32; Ephesians 4: 18-19).

Q. Can those be saved who do not turn to God from their unholy desires and are unrepentant of their sexual ways? 

  1. By no means. Scripture tells us that no sexually immoral person, no adulterer, no fornicator, no homosexual, no abuser of women, or the like will inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6: 9-10; Galatians 5: 19-21; Ephesians 5: 1-20; 1 John 3: 14). 

Q. What is involved in genuine repentance of all sexual sin? 

  1. Two things:

  1. The dying away of the old self, by hating all forms of sexual immorality and fleeing from it (2 Corinthians 5: 17; Ephesians 4: 22-24; Colossians 3: 5-10; 1 Corinthians 6: 15-20).

  2. And the rising to life of the new self, by finding great joy in leading a sexually pure life and, if married, by properly loving our spouses (Psalm 51: 8; Isaiah 57: 15; Romans 6: 1-11; Ephesians 5: 22-33).

In conclusion, the above catechism is important to deal with some of the issues facing Christians today. We need to stand strong for the Gospel and not compromise with the world. We must be prepared to be persecuted. The world seeks to force sexual sins upon us not just accept the sinful lifestyles but to approve of them also. This ministry is opposed to all sexual sin, not just homosexual sin. We stand in opposition to transgenderism, gender identity or confusion, and same sex marriage. We believe our stands are Biblical and we will stand for truth. 

7-3-2022 Devotion: Fear the Lord

 Proverbs 3: 7: "Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil." The first part of the verse instructs us about the danger of believing in our own wisdom. The initial phrase summarizes the idea that the human mind with its intellect and reason is independently capable of reaching a true understanding of reality, without any dependence upon God’s revelation. This is dangerous and can lead you astray quickly. We are to "fear the LORD." The word "fear" includes respect, awe, dread, and terror. When we do that we will depart from evil. To "depart" from evil means to turn away, reject, leave or turn aside. That should be our approach to evil. Get away from it! The verse doesn't say argue with evil, protest evil, or fight with it. The greatest battle is in prayer. As we pray, we place your faith and confidence in the LORD Jesus Christ and His Sovereignty and Providence. We don't let our natural wisdom get in the way. We want God to have His way. When we have a proper fear of the LORD, it enables us to meet the demands of the day with confidence and assurance that His will is our will and all will eventually end in the result He wanted. That is a comfort.

Saturday, July 2, 2022

7-2-2022 Devotion: In All Your Ways

 Proverbs 3: 6: "In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths."  This is the practical expression of the mind that submits to God and knows Him. The word "acknowledge" could be interpreted as to submit to. We are to submit each and every way we have, that is, all that we say and do, to the direction and guidance of the Lord Jesus Christ. He will guide you to the final goal of life. God gives wisdom and with it the task of making wise decisions; these are the two aspects of guidance in wisdom teaching. There is no hint of guidance that bypasses the duty of making decisions. But human decisions do not overrule the protection of God’s providence. We are responsible for our actions. We have a free moral agency. However, those actions on our part are under the guidance of the Providence of God. He is still in charge and His plan will become manifest, yet, we are still part of the process. The LORD is Sovereign, but we are responsible. Don't try to reconcile these two principals, people have tried for centuries without success. Someone once said, "Stay in your lane." In this case, we will be faithful to submit to Him and leave the rest up to our Sovereign LORD.

Friday, July 1, 2022

7-1-2022 Devotion: Trust

 Proverbs 3:5: “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not on your own understanding." We must have a continual regard to God’s providence, must own and depend upon it in all our affairs, both by faith and prayer.  We must place our entire confidence in the wisdom, power, and goodness of God, assuring ourselves of the extent of his providence to all the creatures and all their actions. We must therefore trust in the Lord with all our hearts; we must believe that He is able to do what he will, wise to do what is best, and good, according to his promise, to do what is best for us, if we love Him, and serve Him. We must, with an entire submission and satisfaction, depend upon Him to perform all things for us, and not lean to our own understanding, as if we could, by any forecast of our own, without God, help ourselves, and bring our affairs to a good issue. When you trust God's Sovereignty and Providence, it is easier to trust in Him regardless of the circumstances. God's way is the best way. Trust Him.