Friday, July 22, 2022

7-22-2022 Devotion: Instruction

 Proverbs 12: 1: "Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish." One version translates the last phrase as follows: " but whoever hates correction is stupid." The man who loves instruction is a man who has a true estimate of what is important and what is really of superior value. That means that he will listen to instruction and correction. From my experience, I must say that after getting people to listen to the Word of God, one of the great problems is getting them to obey what it says. Obedience is absolutely essential. Swallowing our pride and choking down the hard truth about ourselves is never easy. But the wise person will sift through the mud for the golden nugget of truth.Embracing criticism is a sure sign of a growing, emotionally healthy person. Over the years, I have changed my theological positions because I received instruction that showed me my error. Never be afraid to change as a result of Godly instruction or correction. While my positions have changed, there has been a constant theme: Drawing closer to the Lord Jesus Christ and desiring to follow Him. 

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