Thursday, July 28, 2022

7-28-2022 Devotion: A Kind Word

 Proverbs 15: 1: "A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger."  The power of words to build up or to destroy relationships and friendships is stressed here. Anger is removed by a gentle response, but a heated response fuels the flame so that you have two people angry not one. Solomon is contrasting two approaches to conflict resolution. People have the opportunity to reduce tension or make it worse. Addressing anger with anger only stirs things up and makes matters worse, that is the fool’s approach. However, a gentle answer can bring reconciliation, peace and harmony. A soft answer is a gentle response. What is a gentle response? Gentleness refers to a response that is sensitive to the situation. Gentleness is not hotheaded and is motivated by love. I have been on both sides of this verse over the years. When I was younger I found myself joining the passions of the one angry and in always, I said always ended badly. As I have matured, I have seen the benefit of responding gently when someone is angry. I wish the mature me could visit the young me and advise me properly on this principle. I can't, but I can tell you.

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