Monday, July 11, 2022

7-11-2022 Devotion: The Ant

 Proverbs 6: 6: "Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise."  The ant is an example of industry, diligence, and planning and serves as a rebuke to a sluggard (a lazy one who lacks self-control). Wisdom sends a lazy man to learn from an ant. The little ant is quite a teacher. The ant can reveal great truths to us. One truth is that she is as diligent in business as anyone possibly can be. This is something that the child of God can learn from the little ant. The ant is busy doing what is the most important thing in her life: she is getting food for the winter, caring for the future, and she is busy about it. I think one of the great sins among Christians today is laziness, and many of the lazy ones can be found in full-time Christian service. All of us need to ask ourselves what we do with our spare time. Do we read the Word of God? Do we study the Word of God? We complain we don't have time, but if you look at how you spend your day, you will probably find that you have more time than you thought. I read my Bible and pray before I eat anything for my physical body. I nourish the spiritual man before I do the physical one. I try to make the last thing I do at night to read my Bible and pray. It is a great way to start and end my day. Consider the ant.

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