Thursday, July 21, 2022

7-21-2022 Devotion: Good Advice

 Proverbs 11: 14: "Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety." The word "people" could also be translated as "nation." As a country, we want good advisors to be guiding the direction of the country. The current administration has as advisors a group of people that have codified Romans chapter 1. They are more concerned with gay rights, abortion and allowing men to pretend to be women. When you understand Scripture, the issues become more clear. Things will not get better until a different group of advisors are involved. The prior administration had Bible studies and regular prayer meetings. That is not to infer that everything done by the former President was Godly. The point simply is, good Godly advisors will bring safety. We are not in charge of running the nation, but we do have to make decisions. Regardless of how smart you are, you need good advice. You will remember that God gave Daniel to be an adviser to Nebuchadnezzar. He helped his king a great deal. Daniel was also an adviser to Cyrus, and he was a great help to him.  A good decision is made with multiple wise advisers. The more crucial the decision, the more appropriate is corporate wisdom. 

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