Sunday, July 24, 2022

7-24-2022 Devotion: Work

 Proverbs 13: 4: "The soul of a sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat." First, understand that "fat" in Elizabethan English meant fully satisfied, so we aren't talking about being overweight!  You may remember that the apostle Paul put it right on the line to the Thessalonians. There were some pious souls there who said, “We’re looking for the Lord to come,” and they quit work. Paul wrote, “… if any would not work, neither should he eat”. Let’s not be doling out food to those who will not work. We are to work. And if you really believe that the Lord is coming, it will make you a better worker. This is a Kingdom principle. We are to be productive and not lazy. Over the years in business, I have met many, candidly most, who don't really want to work. They want the nice things in life, but they don't want to work for them. God is our ultimate resource, but His plan is for us to work. I was a bivocational pastor for over a decade which meant I worked a secular job to pay the bills and still prepared sermons. The Lord Jesus Christ never failed me. He blessed the work of my hands and the ministry. There is a balance that must be kept. For a tire to work best, it must be round and balanced. Find the balance, but work while you do so.

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