Sunday, July 3, 2022

7-3-2022 Devotion: Fear the Lord

 Proverbs 3: 7: "Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil." The first part of the verse instructs us about the danger of believing in our own wisdom. The initial phrase summarizes the idea that the human mind with its intellect and reason is independently capable of reaching a true understanding of reality, without any dependence upon God’s revelation. This is dangerous and can lead you astray quickly. We are to "fear the LORD." The word "fear" includes respect, awe, dread, and terror. When we do that we will depart from evil. To "depart" from evil means to turn away, reject, leave or turn aside. That should be our approach to evil. Get away from it! The verse doesn't say argue with evil, protest evil, or fight with it. The greatest battle is in prayer. As we pray, we place your faith and confidence in the LORD Jesus Christ and His Sovereignty and Providence. We don't let our natural wisdom get in the way. We want God to have His way. When we have a proper fear of the LORD, it enables us to meet the demands of the day with confidence and assurance that His will is our will and all will eventually end in the result He wanted. That is a comfort.

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