Monday, July 25, 2022

7-25-2022 Devotion: An Inheritance

 Proverbs 13: 22: "A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just." A good man's estate remains with their families, the wealth of the wicked does not. In the providence of God, it will ultimately belong to the righteous. Godly Wisdom in life has lasting effects, especially in one’s own family.  The wealth of the wicked may be taken away and given to those more deserving. This verse may point to the irresponsible loss of wealth due to folly, or to divine retribution on the wicked wealthy for other sins. The Scripture makes the promise that one way or the other, there will be a wealth transfer from the wicked to the righteous. I believe this will occur either in this life or in the next. Either way, it will occur. I can testify that one of my purposes is to create generational wealth for my children and grandchildren. It drives me to work, pray, study the Word, and be a witness for the Lord Jesus Christ. This verse may include financial wealth, but don't limit it to money. Godly wisdom is passed onto your descendants by how you live your life for the LORD. What type of an inheritance are you leaving?

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