Thursday, July 14, 2022

7-14-2022 Devotion: Hating Evil

 Proverbs 8: 13: "The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate." You could  translate it as “the mouth of perversions do I hate.” This is something that is quite real today; it is right down where we live. Wisdom is manifest. It is the character of God, and that character has been revealed in Christ. Evil, pride, arrogance, and an evil way are hateful to Him. If we belong to Him, we will hate these things also. Think about how the world's thinking does its best to get you to first tolerate evil, then accept evil, and finally you must embrace the evil, and support it. Think about the sexual perversions that are being forced upon us. If you are old enough, think back 20 years. Such things were not even a consideration. The Scripture today reminds us that the fear of the LORD requires us to "hate evil." To "hate evil" includes to be an enemy to,  to unlove the evil, to be hated, be shunned, to be an adversary, be a foe; “hate” can be active, as an enemy or adversary; or passive, as someone unloved or shunned. The idea of "hate" is to take both an active role (to be an enemy, or a foe who fights evil) and a passive role (shun and unlove). Consider today, how will you hate evil?

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