Saturday, July 30, 2022

7-30-2022 : Commit

 Proverbs 16:2-3: "All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the LORD weigheth the spirits. Commit thy thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established." People are able to rationalize almost any kind of behavior as they seek to justify themselves. God’s knowledge is a warning against such self-deception. The Hebrew word translated "Commit" means actually to “roll.” The expression is unusual. It may mean that our plans should be entrusted to the Lord, or devised with conscious application of the principles of God’s Word.  I think the best meaning is a combination of both total trust and submission to the will of God. He will fulfill your righteous plans. Every few days I find myself in a conversation with someone about spiritual matters. I am often amazed that people think they have the capability of knowing spiritual truth apart from the Word of God. "I had a dream from the Lord." "God told me." No and no! God speaks to us through His Word. People will try to justify divorcing their spouses, stealing from their employers, etc. because they believe God has given them some special revelation. We must remember to weigh, i.e. test, our actions against God's standard as expressed in the Bible. Be wise and read and pray.

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