Sunday, July 24, 2022

Satan's Imitation of the Holy Spirit Part 3

 In parts 1 and 2, I stated that the main text for study is found in 2 Corinthians 11: 14-15: "And no marvel; For Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light, therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works." Satan likes to work in intimidation (1 Peter 5:8) as a roaring lion. Or he likes to work through imitation. Satan will cause miracles to be performed so people will be deceived. He will distort or distract the seekers of truth to a gospel that is close, but false. True believers will know and understand the truth. This study will focus on Satan's most destructive and dangerous imitation. He imitates salvation.

Satan has created several false methods of salvation that cause a person to thing that they are saved when they are really lost. Here are a few of his tactics:

1. Decisionism: This method has the person make a decision for Jesus. There is no Holy Spirit conviction, no repentance and no faith. You simply make a decision for Jesus. I have heard the following: God votes for you. The devil votes against you. You cast the deciding vote. 

2. Easy Believeism: This method can be used with Decisionism or by itself. Again, there is no Holy Spirit conviction, no true repentance, and no faith. Generally, the person is requested to repeat a prayer that is spoken to them by the worker or read a preprinted prayer for salvation. There are no "salvation prayers" that say repeat after me.

3. Profession of Faith: This method embraces both 1 and 2 listed above. The point is that the person gives mental consent that Jesus Christ is God's Son who died on a cross for the sins of the world. There is no Holy Spirit conviction, simply the person's making a statement of faith without having the Holy Spirit convict of sin.

4. Baptism: While baptism is encouraged as an act of obedience, it is not part of one's salvation experience. However, certain groups require baptism before you are saved. Satan likes all these methods because they make man the final decision maker, not God. Man is deified and God is dethroned. 

5. Church Membership: Again, while church membership is generally something to be embraced, when it is made part of the salvation experience, it has placed salvation in the hands of man, not God. You are not saved because you join a church or shake the preacher's hand. 

6. Works Based Salvation: his method requires you to earn your salvation. It might be a list of things you do and things you don't do. Sometimes, there are dress codes that require women to always wear a dress, never cut their hair, no movies or television. This method has the same underlying principle, salvation becomes man's achievement, not God's work. 

What have been the results of the false salvation methods promulgated by Satan. The following statistics from a Christian denomination were given about 50 years ago and I can only imagine what they are today:

5% of our church members do not exist.

10% of our present-day church membership cannot be found.

20% never pray.

25% of church members do not attend church services.

30% never open their Bibles to read.

40% never give to church sponsored causes.

60% never give to missions. 

75% never accept any responsibility in the church.

85% never go to prayer meetings.

90% never practice family worship.

95% of church membership never witness. 

A recent study revealed that 68% of Christian men and 50% of pastors watch porn regularly. Satan has been busy and successful deceiving many (means most) "Christians" who think they are saved when they are not. So, what is true salvation?

The Apostle Paul in Romans 8: 29-30 provides us with the Ordo Salutis (Order of Salvation). He lists the following order:

1. Foreknowledge;

2. Predestination;

3. Calling;

4. Justification; and

5. Glorification.

In summary, foreknowledge is to know and choose beforehand. This is not knowledge of the fact that God knows your name. To know in the Biblical sense meant an intimate relationship. The Father decided to have a close personal relationship with some people before they were physically born. If you disagree, you argue with the text, not me. Predestination follows foreknowledge. "Pre" means before and "destination" means final resting place. To "call" refers to an inward call. A preacher speaks to the mind of a person, only the Holy Spirit can speak to the heart of a person. All those foreknown, predestined and called will respond in repentance and faith and be justified. This is a legal determination of not guilty. Christ took our sin that He might give us His righteousness. Those truly justified will be glorified. 

The modern church believes it has the power to change a person's heart, so they change the message to make us less offensive to win the person. I remember the old saying: "What you win them with is what you will have to keep giving them to keep them." We want to make sure that we give people the true gospel, the rugged gospel that requires people to repent and have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. 

In summary, Satan has created his own salvation, but it is nothing more than a pathway to hell. He is imitating the Holy Spirit. True salvation is of the LORD and that leads to an eternity with Him.

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