Saturday, July 2, 2022

7-2-2022 Devotion: In All Your Ways

 Proverbs 3: 6: "In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths."  This is the practical expression of the mind that submits to God and knows Him. The word "acknowledge" could be interpreted as to submit to. We are to submit each and every way we have, that is, all that we say and do, to the direction and guidance of the Lord Jesus Christ. He will guide you to the final goal of life. God gives wisdom and with it the task of making wise decisions; these are the two aspects of guidance in wisdom teaching. There is no hint of guidance that bypasses the duty of making decisions. But human decisions do not overrule the protection of God’s providence. We are responsible for our actions. We have a free moral agency. However, those actions on our part are under the guidance of the Providence of God. He is still in charge and His plan will become manifest, yet, we are still part of the process. The LORD is Sovereign, but we are responsible. Don't try to reconcile these two principals, people have tried for centuries without success. Someone once said, "Stay in your lane." In this case, we will be faithful to submit to Him and leave the rest up to our Sovereign LORD.

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